The mayor of Semarang, Ir. Hj. Hevearita Gunaryanti Rahayu, M.Sos., tested the Electric Pedicab of the Udinus Campus (Becik-KU) by circling around the town hall. Additionally, the mayor was also accompanied by the Chancellor of Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus), Prof. Dr. Ir. Edi Noersasongko, M.Kom.
The Electric Pedicab was a masterpiece created by the students and faculty members in the Engineering Faculty at Udinus. Moreover, this electric vehicle could also serve as a response to the program initiated by the government to start using vehicles equipped with renewable energy. At the opening of the electric vehicle charging station at the town hall, the Electric Pedicab was also showcased there.
Heru Agus Santoso, Ph.D., the Dean of the Engineering Faculty, revealed that Becik-KU, the electric pedicab, would later automatically operate around the Old Town of Semarang. All of this could be realized through the help given by the Semarang Government.
“This electric pedicab also has the feature to explain the condition within the Old Town area. For example, if the pedicab were to pass the Blenduk Church, it would inform the passengers about the landmark by utilizing the screen. The information mainly scopes the history and uniqueness of the landmark,” he added.
Dr. M. Ary Heryanto, S.T., M.Eng., a faculty member involved in the development process, explained that the pedicab mainly used batteries as a source of energy. On top of that, the pedicab was also equipped with solar panels above it, which were used to charge the batteries.
"The pedicab works automatically, with the capacity of four passengers. Moreover, beneath it, there is a camera serving as a road detector,” he uttered.
The electric pedicab invented by the Engineering Faculty at Udinus could garner phenomenal attention from the mayor of Semarang. The Becik-KU Electric Pedicab would later operate in the Old Town of Semarang, serving as public transportation for tourists. On a different occasion, the mayor, and the Chancellor of Udinus tested the pedicab. The electric pedicab managed to take the mayor to the opening ceremony of the electric vehicle charging station near the town hall.
Ir. Hj. Hevearita Gunaryanti Rahayu, M. Sos., the mayor, also gave an appreciation for this innovation for supporting the government in promoting the use of electric vehicles. Moreover, she also hoped that the Becik-KU Electric Pedicab could respond to the need for transportation in the Old City and improve the public’s interest in visiting the tourist attraction.
“Our Old Town is indeed fairly big, and there are lots of tourist attractions to explore there. With the Becik-KU Electric Pedicab, tourists will be able to explore the Old Town with full experience. Truly a remarkable technological breakthrough from Udinus,” she explained.
Meanwhile, Prof. Dr. Ir. Edi Noersasongko, M.Kom., the Chancellor of Udinus, expressed his utmost pride for the phenomenal electric vehicle created by the students and faculty members in the Engineering Faculty, which garnered the attention of the mayor herself. Furthermore, the Becik-Ku Electric Pedicab could also serve as a step for the campus to implement the Tri Dharma Philosophy, particularly in benefitting the public.
“We will always be committed to supporting this matching fund research. Thus, it can be launched as soon as possible, with the best possible output. Hopefully, Udinus will be able to contribute to the development of Semarang into a smart city,” he concluded. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Humas Udinus)