The Computer Science Doctor Program (PDIK) from the Faculty of Computer Science of the University of Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) Semarang once again graduated as a student with a GPA score of 3.78. A postgraduate student from PDIK of Udinus by the name of Dr. Muhammad Munsarif, S.Kom., M.Kom., had finally achieved his doctorate thanks to his dissertation with the title of ‘Two-staged Hyperparameter Optimization Model Based on Hybrid Transformer-deep Learning on Handwriting Introduction’.
That postgraduate student known as Munsarif successfully defended his dissertation in an open defending session which took place in the meeting room on the 1st floor of the H building Udinus. The session was led by the head of the examiner who was also the Vice Rector I Academic Sector of Udinus, Prof. Dr. Supriadi Rustad, Msi. The session was going on as planned without any technical issues. With his success in that defending session, Musarif became the fourth graduate of the Postgraduate PDIK Program of Udinus this year.
The head of the PDIK program of Udinus, Purwanto, S.Si, M.Kom, Ph.D., explained that the PDIK Program of Udinus had some advantages which could be utilized by the students, like the qualified instructors and the Facilities and Infrastructure which may provide the students with pleasant study space. This was proven by how the Postgraduate PDIK Program of Udinus was accredited as ‘B’. The accreditation was acquired according to a decree launched by the National Institute of University Accreditation (BAN-PT) with the serial number SK 11405/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/D/X/2021.
He also congratulated Dr, Muhammad Munsarif S.Kom, M.Kom for achieving his doctorate with the cum laude predicate and defending his dissertation in front of the examiners. “We have given instructions to the students of the Postgraduate PDIK Program of Udinus,” he explained.
Meanwhile, The rector, Prof. Dr. Ir Edi Noesasongko, M.Kom, also attended the PDIK Program’s open defending session and praised Dr. Muhammad Munsarif for his success. The rector also said that hopefully the degree could serve its purpose and contribute to Indonesia. With the help of the Postgraduate PDIK Program, Udinus is dedicated to educating and producing Indonesian students who could compete in the technology industry.
“We proudly guide our students in the Doctoral Computer Science Department to achieving their degrees. Furthermore, we will always contribute to educating the public and preparing our students to be competitive in the field of technology,” the chancellor emphasized.
Successfully Defended His Dissertation and Achieved Cum laude.
Dr. Muhammad Munsarif S.Kom, M.Kom., succeeded in achieving his doctorate and became the fourth graduate of the Postgraduate PDIK Program of Udinus. Not only that, he also attained the cum laude predicate with a GPA of 3.78. In the defending session, he managed to defend and publish his dissertation with the title of ‘Two-staged Hyperparameter Optimization Model Based on Hybrid Transformer-deep Learning on Handwriting Introduction’. In his paper, He researched and developed an algorithm optimization model which could be implemented for Introducing Handwriting.
“This research could be implemented on both handwriting and block. This algorithm model can also be used to introduce cheques and even old documents. In the process, I had to research for two years,” explained the man who had the potential to be a university professor in Semarang.
He also said that the Postgraduate PDIK Program of Udinus had an amazing learning system and the professors were able to instruct the students to graduate with extraordinary results.
“I did not doubt a single thing when I first enrolled for the Postgraduate PDIK Program of Udinus, I knew it because Udinus is the best university in Central Java when it comes to Information Technology. Not only that but the institution and accreditation are also promising,” he said.
When developing his dissertation, Munsarif was instructed by three promotors namely, Prof. Dr. Ir. Edi Noersasongko, M.Kom., Dr. Pulung Nurtantio Andono, ST., M.Kom., dan Dr. M. Arief Soeleman, M.kom. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Humas Udinus)