Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) Semarang had successfully selected as one of the best private universities (PTS) in Indonesia. The ranking was based on the global university ranking agency, Webometrics 2023.

During the ranking system, Webometrics were using four scoring indicators, namely presence, visibility, transparency (Opennes), and Excellence (Scholar). The presence component was assessed based on the total number of main web domain pages of an institution, contributing to 5 percent of the overall score.

Afterward, the Visibility component was rated from the amount of external network connections to the institution’s web page accounting for 50 percent of the total score. Moving on to the third component, Transparency (Opennes), was assessed by the number of citations from the top 110 authors, weighted at 10 percent. Lastly, the excellence component was evaluated by the number of papers within the top 10 percent of the most cited works for the last 5 years.

Based on the rating result of Webometrics July 2023 edition, Udinus is at the 8th rank on the Indonesian national scale in the private universities (PTS) category. On the other hand, Udinus has maintained a good quality by staying at the first position of Central Java level. Meanwhile, at the international level, Udinus has made significant progress, achieving a ranking of 3.387.

Prof. Dr. Edi Noersasongko, M.Kom., Udinus’ Chancellor, expressed how happy he was toward Universitas Dian Nuswantoro’s achievement. Based on his opinion, the Webometrics rating would trigger the improvement of learning quality and even the research quality at Udinus.

The ranking demonstrates Udinus's competitive edge as an advanced campus, attributed to its strategic use of technologies. This achievement not only showcases Udinus's excellence at the national level but also reflects its strong performance on the international stage

“This is the result of the hard work of the whole academic community of Udinus. Besides that, the ranking further solidifies Udinus as the top university in Central Java and the eighth-best private university in Indonesia, according to Webometric's assessment. We are committed to developing the quality of education,” said Prof. Edi.

Webometrics itself is an innovation that promotes and facilitates scientific publication, aiming to enhance the visibility and significance of academic and research institutes through their websites. The rating is made based on the data from the university’s website. All campus around the world is listed on that ranking. (Udinus Public Relation. Photo: Udinus PR)