To support the improvement of academic articles at international levels In Indonesia, The Institution of Research and Community Services (LPPM) of Udinus Teamed up with the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Indonesia (Kemendikbud Ristek) to hold a training program. The participants were getting direct learning from the facilitator.
The training was conducted both offline and online. Around 50 people attended offline and 100 participants attended through online platforms like Zoom and YouTube as well. The event took place at Hotel Ballroom Grand Candi Semarang, and it was held from June 15th to June 16th, 2023.
The director of LPPM Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus), Dr. Eng. Yuliman Purwanto, M.Eng., commented that this training focused on enhancing the quality of academic articles at an international level in Indonesia. He emphasized that it was a significant step towards improving the competency of human resources, particularly researchers and lecturers. Offline participants received direct training from eight facilitators and had the opportunity to submit their work during the event. Dr. Eng. also highlighted the advantages of publishing in targeted journals, as it can contribute to higher accreditation for the college.
“Before participating in this training, all participants are required to prepare their scientific articles script which later will be published. The scientific journal that has an international reputation, contains the highest score that can expedite a lecturer’s promotion,” explained Dr. Eng.
The head of High Education Service Institute (LLDIKTI) sixth region of Central Java Province, Bhimo Widyo Andoko, S.H., M.H., expressed hope that the 2023 training on writing international scientific articles would provide valuable education to participants. He believed that the course offered during the training would equip lecturers and researchers with the necessary information.
Naturally, all the participants currently attending won't face any difficulty, as they are already accustomed to writing scientific papers," Bhimo stated.
The training featured eight facilitators, namely Prof.Ir. Nita Aryanti, ST., MT., Ph.D, IPM, Prof.Dr.Ir. Dian Fiantis, M.Sc., Amirul Mukminin, S.Pd., M.Sc. Ed., Ph.D., Prof. Dr. Eddy Heraldy., M.Si., Prof. Dr. Rully Charitas Indra Prahmana S.Si., M.Pd., Prof. Suminar, Setiati Achmadi, Prof. Ir. Siti Nurmaini, Ph.D. and Prof. Dr. H. Ali Saukah. Each of the facilitators trained 6 participants.
Targetting the improvement of Scientific Publication
Some training events had been done multiple times between Udinus and Kemendikbud Ristek. Sub Coordinator of Scientific Journals and Publications Directorate of Research, Technology and Community Service, Hardiana, S.ST., ME., stated that training about international reputation scientific articles had become an annual event in order to improve the quality of lecturers in Indonesia. The goal was to help lecturers to submit their scientific articles on Q1-Q5 journal levels.
“We had held multiple events with Udinus, especially LPPM and all of them went well. Hopefully, there will be more international levels of scientific journals.” Spoke Hardiana. (Udinus Public Relations/Alex. Photo: Udinus PR)