The Study Program of Accounting at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro took a proactive step in the fight against corruption by inviting the head of IAI, Hendri Santosa, S.E., M.Si., AK., CA., CFRA., CRP. In a seminar held at the Auditorium Hall on the 7th floor of the H Building, UDINUS, on Saturday, June 24th, 2023, the participants were engaged in discussions on comprehension, the effect of corruption, and the crucial role students can play in combating this societal crisis. 
During the seminar, Hendri Santosa presented students with various roles they can adopt to fight against corruption. These included reporting corruption allegations and actively participating in online campaigns to expose corruption. 
Hendri stated “the importance of eradicating corruption through various actions, including supervising public services, conducting studies and research, and implementing effective anticorruption measures within institutions.”
Hendri also stated that the significance of education strategies and anticorruption campaigns for students. He actively encouraged participation in educating and promoting anticorruption efforts through social media. 
“Through this education, students can actively participate in changing the mindset of Indonesians. For instance, promoting the vision of a 'clean country without corruption' and empowering everyone to take responsibility in eradicating corruption, thus making the anti-corruption campaign mainstream,” added Hendri. 
Rachmat Arofan from the Madya BPK Supervisor, representing Central Java, delivered a lecture highlighting the essential role of students' accountability in fighting against corruption. He emphasized the values of integrity, transparency, and responsibility in both private and public lives.
The head of the Accounting of Student Association (HMA), Indra Satya Putra Iswanto, further addressed the audience, discussing the theme 'The Importance of Students' Accountabilities in engaging War Against Corruption.' The event attracted approximately 100 participants, reflecting the widespread enthusiasm and active engagement through the many questions posed to the speakers. The conference was held at the Auditorium Hall of G building, on Saturday (June/24th/2023). 
"This seminar aims to raise students' awareness about the pervasive issue of corruption and its detrimental impact on both the community and the country. This includes the slowed-down of infrastructure development and the widespread poverty problem in society," explained Indra. 
Dr. Retno Indah Hernawati, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Economy and Business at UDINUS, also attended the seminar and emphasized the significance of developing partnerships and fostering student relations. 
She said “Hopefully UDINUS students will gain a clear understanding of the persistent issue of corruption and become the agents of change by upholding their accountabilities in the fight against corruption.” (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Dok. HMA Udinus)