Twelve student teams, under the technical implementation unit (UPT) of Entrepreneurship Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus), received funds through the program of educating college students on entrepreneurship (P2MW). Thanks to the funding granted by the Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs under the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud Ristek), the selected students would have the invaluable opportunity to further develop their skills and knowledge about their proposals.

A total of 49 students which was divided into 12 groups, would be getting some instructions and business training. The students came from different majors, namely Bachelor of Informatics, Bachelor of Information Systems, Bachelor of Visual Communication Design, Bachelor of Management, and Bachelor of Environmental Health.

One of the associate lecturers, Filmada Ocky Saputra M.Eng., Eng., explained that the proposals from the students were successfully chosen which was qualified into some categories. Such as the Creative Industry of Cultural Arts and Tourism, Services, and Trade, Digital Business, Food and Beverages, and Cultivation.

I am associated with the category of Technology and manufacturing. In these proposals, there are also two stages of proposals, which consist of the first stage and the growing stage. Two of them will be taught until forming the final product.” Said Filmada.

Meanwhile, the chief of UPT Entrepreneurship Udinus, Dr. Nila Tristiarini, S.E., M.Si., CSRA., Expressed her happiness regarding the achievement of the 12 groups. The accomplishment of the students was expected to be the first phase to become entrepreneurs.

Dr. Nila commented “In accordance with our motto which is technopreneurship. Other than educating our students in class, we also encourage them to participate in events that related to entrepreneurs like P2MW.”

The achievement which was acquired by the 12 groups of students, became a brilliant way to approach the young generation to be entrepreneurs. Here are the qualified proposals from Udinus on the P2MW

Name of Business

Head of the Groups

Study Programs


Eco Friendly and Sustainable Asana Body Soap Made from Gotu Kola Centella Asiatica Zumrotus Sholikhah Management Kediri Service and Trade
Knit Doll Hyuka Creation Anggi Permata Sari Management Creative Industry of Cultural Arts and Tourism
Carbonivy Indonesian Carbon Exchange Platform Timothy Mulya Cahyana Informatics Digital Business
CV Prof Creative Design and Commercial Services Platform to Improve Small and Medium Enterprises. Yuda Langgeng Asadullah Visual and Communication Design Service and Trade
Golden Nest Nurul Aisyah Management Food and Beverages
InRaga, an Industrial Mobile Apps Service Platform to Raise the Economic of Small and Medium Enterprise During the Pandemic Hanif Fadillah Amrynudin Informatics Digital Business
Mech AI Battle Arena AI Simulator as an Entertainment Media and Development of Indonesian AI Community Muhammad Alifian Aqshol Informatics Digital Business
Scrunchies a Creative Product by Utilizing Waste Fabric Nasyatul Aissiyah Management Kediri Creative Industry of Cultural Arts and Tourism
SiDrone an Efficient Solution Toward the Time Management and the Cost of Spraying Farmlands by Using Drone Technology Bima Rakajati Informatics Technology and Manufactures
SOGI Soto Grombyang Instant Mohammad Erlangga Environmental Health Food and Beverages
Syacake Bakery a Cake Business with a Concept of a Ghost Kitchen Tasya Agatha Geovana Information Systems Food and Beverages
Temmanbaik Kaktus Indoor Air Filter with Creative Handmade Pot Lita Mayasari Management Kediri Cultivation