Becoming an auditor is one of the opportunities for the students of the Undergraduate Accounting Major at the University of Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus). In becoming an auditor, there are some work ethics an auditor is obliged to do. In order to provide the students with work ethics, a public lecture was held in a form of a seminar, recently. 
The seminar invited a Senior Manager from a famous accounting office called PKF Indonesia, Agustinus Nicko Ariwibowo, M. Ak, CA., CPA., CACP. On that occasion, he gave a lecture about work ethics and auditing matters. He explained that code ethics was a basic principle and work ethics rules.
“Work ethics should be applied by every individual in a public accounting office and office network. What makes public accounting different is that it has the responsibility to protect the public interest,” he said.
Then he explained that to acquire the Public Accountant License, one must pass the Public Accountant test. Not only that, but one must also have practical experience so they would get the Certified Public Accountant of Indonesia or CPA title from the Indonesian Institute of Public Accountants or IAPI.
The lecture did not end there, the Senior Manager also explained some obliged basic public accountants’ principles. Those principles were professional behavior, secrecy, professional competency and carefulness, and integrity alongside objectivity.
“Every public accountant must maintain their integrity and objectivity. Besides that, they should also be free from conflict of interest. They also should not let his known material misstatement factor or avert the consideration to other parties,” said the man who was born in 1984.
The public lecture was held only using the Zoom platform and was attended by 200 students. The Vice Dean of the Faculty of Economy and Business of Udinus, Dr. Retno Indah Hernawati S.E, M.Si., also attended and gave greetings to the participants. He hoped the students to be more passionate in welcoming the future as accountants.
“We hope that the students as the future Indonesian accountants improve the public trust so that they could show the accountants’ contribution to the country,” (Humas Udinus/Ika. Foto: Humas Udinus).