Artificial Intelligence (AI) has influenced the business sector by creating e-marketplaces as an attempt to give maximum services and expand the business scope. In response to that, the Management Doctorate Program at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) was determined to improve their students’ understanding and references through a national webinar.

The webinar involved three academic and practical professional speakers including, Dr. Pulung Nurtantio Andono, S.T., M.Kom (the Vice-Chancellor IV Research and Partnership field at Udinus), Dr. Mochamad Taufiq, S.E., M.Si (a lecturer and a consultant at STIE Dharma Putra), and Ir. Redi Nusantara, M.M. (The managing director of Blue Pearls Trading Pte. Ltd).

The seminar was attended by 158 students of The Management Doctorate Program through an online Zoom meeting. The participants were very enthusiastic judging by how many the questions were.

Dr, Pulung Nurtantio Andono, S.T., M.Kom., gave a lecture in regard to marketplaces and their review from a technological point of view. He explained that technological development was a crucial factor in the marketplaces’ growth including, AI utilization, e-commerce, cloud computing, machine learning, and Augmented Reality (AR).

“In this case, AI could speed up a marketplace’s business process such as chatbot utilization to answer various customers’ questions. While AR could improve the customers’ buying experience by allowing them to see the product in real time,” he explained.

Then, another lecture about Indonesian marketplace business prospects was presented by Dr. Mochamad Taufiq, S.E., M.Si., as online marketing was typical in Indonesian society. “The data show a staggering increase in shopping expenses through e-commerce,” he highlighted.

Whereas, Ir. Redi Nusantara, M.M., addressed a few opportunities in the e-marketplace sector. The opportunities align with the suppliers’ interests and resources including the e-Niaga platform, online market, peer to peer market, and subscription-based services.

The dean of the Economics and Business Faculty, Prof. Vincent Didiek Wiet Aryanto, MBA, Ph. D also attended and gave greetings at the seminar. He hoped this webinar could provide literacy concerning the constant growth of e-marketplaces. Thus, allowing the participants to be aware and to bridge new digital business potentials in 2023 in order to effectively penetrate and reach the proper goals.

“This event embodies our commitment to provide academic discussion environments, particularly regarding the digital business aligning with the uniqueness of the Management Doctorate Program at Udinus,” he concluded.