Applied animation major students of Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) held an exhibition for their final assignment under the name of ‘Junimasi’. Junimasi was an annual event presented by the animation students of Udinus. There was a series of activities at that event such as 2D and 3D art exhibitions, an Animated Movie screening made by the students, and a workshop.
The movie screening’s theme was ‘Endbetween: Endless Beginning’, symbolizing that the final assignment was only the beginning of the students’ careers in the animation industry. Six student-made movies were chosen for the screening which took place on Friday, June 16th, 2023 at the auditorium on the seventh floor of the H building.
Following the screening, the experts in attendance reviewed the film. One of those experts was Prayanto Widyo Harsanto, M.Sn., he was a lecturer, visual rhetoric expert, and Assistant Director II of ISI Yogyakarta on the general and financial sector. Adityo Baharmoko from ARK Animation also attended the event as an expert. The audience and the experts were mesmerized by those six student-made movies.
“In terms of technicality, ideas, and presentation, those students’ movies are amazing and interesting. It is difficult to choose which one is the best,” Prayanto said.
As a rhetorical expert, Prayanto said that those movies created by the students were on par with some animated movies in the industry. He also added that the talents laid inside the animation students could be a valuable asset to the animation industry.
“In my opinion, the students are ready for their professional careers. These movies are too good to be made by students, it will not be difficult for them to adapt in the animation industry. Considering, these students have both the potential and talent.” He added.
Meanwhile, the coordinator of final assignments, Ristia Kadiasti, S.Sn., M.Sn., hoped for the animation major to always keep improving. One of those indicators was the final assignment. “From this final assignment, we are able to evaluate for upcoming years,” she spoke.
In addition to movie screenings and art reviews, there was also the signature for partnership with 6 business partners. Three of them were animation studios namely, Manimonki Studio, Spacenoodle, Animation Studio, and EHM Art. While, the other three partners were schools in Semarang such as SMK 11 Semarang, SMK 4 Semarang, and SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Semarang.
After watching the students’ animation movies and being interviewed, the Chancellor of Udinus, Prof. Dr. Ir. Edi Noersasongko, said that he was proud of those movies. He hoped for the Animation Major to create more outstanding animation movies and become the heart of the animation sector in this country.
“Congratulations to all of the students. Hopefully, we can improve upon our quality, and these works may serve their purpose for all of us,” he said. (Humas Udinus/Ika. Foto: Humas Udinus)