The Doctoral Computer Science Program Department (PDIK) from the Computer Science Faculty at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) graduated a student with the cum laude predicate once again. Dr. Nita Merlina, M.Kom., a PDIK student, successfully achieved a doctoral degree through his dissertation entitled, ‘Polynomial Technique and Edge Detection Development on Overlapping Pap Smear Segmentation.’
Nita triumphantly defended her dissertation in an open defending session taking place in the conference room on the first floor of the H building. The session, led by the Head Examiner, Prof. Dr. Supriadi Rustad, M.Si (Vice Chancellor I of Academic Sector), ran smoothly without any technical issues. Having managed to defend her dissertation, Nita became the fifth graduate of the PDIK Program at Udinus.
The head of the PDIK Study Program, Purwanto, S.Si., M.Kom., Ph.D., explained that today's defending session marked the fifth graduate from the PDIK Study Program and graduated an excellent student. He also congratulated Dr. Nita Merlina, M. Kom., for achieving his doctoral degree and flourishingly defended her dissertation.
On that occasion, Purwanto also explained that the PDIK Study Program possessed many advantages serving as facilities for students including, high-quality lecturers and supportive facilities. This is evident by the ‘B’ accreditation the PDIK Study Program Department managed to attain.
“We are always committed to guiding our students the best we can. Even one of our students managed to publish an international journal with Scopus Q1-indexed,” he explained.
On top of that, The Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Ir. Edi Noersasongko, M.Kom., expressed his pride to Dr. Nita Merlina M.Kom., for managing to acclaim her doctoral degree. The chancellor also wished the newly acquired degree to take part in this country’s development. Through the PDIK Doctoral Program, Udinus is committed to keep providing knowledge in order to produce more graduates competing in the technology sector.
“We proudly guide our students in the Doctoral Computer Science Department to achieving their degrees. Furthermore, we will always contribute to educating the public and preparing our students to be competitive in the field of technology,” the chancellor emphasized.
Currently, the Doctoral Computer Science Program (PDIK) at Udinus is accredited as ‘B’. It is stated in the decree issued by the National Accreditation Body for Higher Education (BAN-PT) on October 5th, 2021, numbered 11405/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/D/X/2021. The accreditation is valid until October 5th, 2026.
Successfully defended her dissertation regarding Pap Smear Image
Dr. Nita Merlina, M.Kom, masterfully earned her doctoral degree and became the fifth graduate in the PDIK Doctoral Program. In addition, she also obtained the cum laude predicate, with a 3.84 GPA. In her dissertation defending session, she could defend and publish her dissertation entitled ‘Polynomial Technique and Edge Detection Development on Overlapping Pap Smear Segmentation.’
Dr. Nita Merlina explained in her research that she had the skill to enhance the overlapping pap smear image, enabling accurate detection of the nucleus. She also aimed to develop this research even further with a more demanding data set.
“Hopefully, with my targeted development, we could resolve the up normal Pap Smear Image cases at the earliest opportunity. I am wishing for my research to contribute to the medical sector, particularly in Pantology,” she uttered.
Nita Merlina admittedly claimed that the PDIK Doctoral Program at Udinus had a remarkable education system and supportive lecturers allowing the students to graduate with such satisfying results.
“I did not doubt the tiniest bit when I enrolled to be the first cohort student in the PDIK Doctoral Program at Udinus. That was because Udinus is the finest IT university in Central Java judging from its remarkable accreditation and institution,” Dr. Nita Merlina revealed.
Dr. Nita Merlina was instructed by three promotors in her dissertation namely, Prof. Dr. Ir Edi Noersasongko, M.Kom., Prof. Dr. Pulung Nurtantio Andono, S.T., M.Kom., Dr. M. Arief Soeleman, M.Kom., Ph.D., and Prof. Dr. Dwiaza Riana. S.Si., M.M., M.Kom. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Humas Udinus)