In order to enhance the quality of the restaurant staff, lecturers of the Health Science Department known as Fkes at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) encouraged them to apply 5C, which stands for Compact, Concise, Composed, Clean, Caring, and Competent. The learning activity was hosted directly by the group of community service from the Health Science Department at Udinus.
Chaired by Ratih Pramitasari, S.K.M, M.P.H, the team consisted of two other lecturers and students namely Izzatul Alifah Sifai, S.K.M., M.P.H, Indah Permatasari, S.K.M., M.P.H., Gymnastiar Aziz, and Lailatul Qodriah. The event took place at the Community Health Center in Ngaliyan and was participated by various workers from 10 different restaurants.
During an interview, Ratih Pramitasari, S.K.M, M.P.H., explained that the community service activity aimed to promote occupational health and safety of restaurant workers around the area of the Health Clinic in Ngaliyan. In addition to learning the 5C approach, the workers were also introduced to self-defense devices and taught the 6-step process for proper handwashing.
“We also installed a few health promotion posters in the restaurants that participate in this socialization event,” Ratih stated.
Ratih revealed that the promotion concept of 5C was a translation from 5S which was implemented in Japan under the authority of Kaizen. 5S is the accronym of ‘Seiri’, ‘Seiton’,’Seiso’, ‘Seiketsu’, and ‘Shitsuke’. In addition, those concepts were translated into Compact, Concise, Composed, Clean, Caring, and Competent.
Based on Ratih’s opinion, through the concept of 5C, business owners will have the same basic corporate cultures. Not only for restaurants, 5C can also be applied with tremendous policies to other types of businesses as well.
“All staff can apply for occupational safety programs in respective restaurants whilst keeping safety culture even in the realm of the informal economy,” said Ratih.
As additional information, the event featured several guests including Arum, the head of administration at Ngaliyan Health Clinic, Devi Andriyani, and Faradila Sintia, who represented the health clinic sanitation field. All audiences were very enthusiastic in participating the training and socialization event. Furthermore, this activity is part of a collaboration program with the Research and Community Service Agency at Udinus. (Udinus Public Relation/Alex. Photo: Doc. Health Science Department)