At the faculty session on the first day of the 2023 Dinus Inside, The Economics and Business Faculty at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) persuaded new students to actively participate in campus activities and join student organizations. The persuasion came in the form of a talk show named ‘Talkshow Ormawa’ held at the Mangga Dua Courtyard at Udinus.

The talk show featured Chiefs from various student organizations in the Economics and Business Faculty such as Student Executives (BEM FEB), Student Council Representatives (DPM FEB), the Management Student Association (HMM), and the Accounting Student Association. Several bureaus and communities namely the Tax Center Bureau and the Capital Market Study Course (KSPM) were also present.

Ifnu Setya Alfaturachman, the Chief Organizer, explained that the talk show was divided into three sessions. The first was the introduction from every chief organization, and the following session discussed the importance of being active on campus. 

“They are no longer high schoolers. Thus, we shall push them not to be afraid to be active on campus by joining various student organizations. This may serve as a platform for them to gain experience prior to starting their industrial journey,” he explained.

The third session mainly discussed the benefits of participating in student organizations. Ifnu explained that joining organizations may induce good habits in students including shaping them into better individuals and improving their problem-solving ability.

“Through campus organizations, we shall possess excellence and distinguishing features with those who do not engage in any particular activity,” he continued.

A total of 725 new students in the Economics and Business Faculty attended the talk show with sparking enthusiasm. This was evident by how active they were during the Q&A session. Prof. Vincent Didiek Wiet Aryanto, MBA, Ph. D., the Dean of the Economic and Business Faculty, hoped that the event could push the students to actively participate in organizational activities allowing Udinus to be more productive. Additionally, this productivity might guide Udinus to produce more excellent and beneficial innovations. 

“Hopefully, the new students in the Economics and Business Faculty could gain accomplishments for Udinus by creating innovations in economics,” the Dean concluded. (Humas Udinus/Ika. Foto: Humas Udinus)