The freshmen of the 2023/2024 cohort in the Engineering Faculty at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) were given the job prospect ideas. It was embodied through an event named ‘Sharing Alumni’ taking place on Tuesday, September 5, 2023 at the I building’s courtyard.
Sharing Alumni, hosted on the second day of the 2023 Dinus Inside at the Faculty Session, featured several alumni from different study programs to share their experiences. One of those alumni, Yustika Sihombing used to be a student in the Department of Industrial Engineering. She graduated in 2021 and is currently pursuing her career at Tah Sung Hung, Ltd. (Adidas Shoe Manufacturing).
During her presentation, she emphasized that a student must be motivated to continue their study all the way to graduation. In addition, having dreams is also important.
“If you are still wondering about your dreams, you must understand that engineering students do possess expansive job prospects, particularly Industrial Engineering students,” she emphasized.
The event also featured an alumna from the Biomedical Engineering Study Program named Rahma Eka Oktaviani. Currently, she works as a Product Specialist and Assistant Manager at Airmas Sinergi Informatika, Ltd. The alumna granted the cum laude predicate shared many tips to graduate on time and get this highly desired predicate. Two of which were diligently attending lectures and avoiding procrastination.
“As freshmen, you need to try avoiding procrastination by creating to-do lists, so you can create plans systematically. Diligence and persistence are the keys to experiencing your college lives to their fullest,” she revealed.
By featuring several successful alumni, Agung Nugroho, the Governor of the Engineering Faculty, hoped that this event could ensure the new students regarding their correct decisions to enroll in this faculty.
“Hopefully our new students could get inspiration and motivation from our excellent alumni. Not only that but we also hope that the alumni could tie connections with our freshmen of the 2023 cohort,” he concluded. (Humas Udinus/Ika. Foto: Humas Udinus)