An Open lecture by the Head of the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) complemented the new students' inauguration event or Dinus Inside 2023. On that occasion, Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) alongside BNN was calling out the anti-drugs declaration at Udinus. 

Kegiatan itu menghadirkan Kepala BNN Jateng, Brigjen Pol. Drs. Heru Pranoto, M.Si., bersama Rektor Udinus, Prof. Dr. Ir. Edi Noersasongko, M.Kom., dan perwakilan Kapolda Jateng, Irjen Pol. Ahmad Luthfi. Mengusung tema ‘Membentuk Mahasiswa Udinus yang Berintegritas, Cerdas, dan Berkarakter’. Kuliah umum diikuti oleh 3517 mahasiswa baru angkatan 2023/2024 Udinus dari enam Fakultas yang digelar di pelataran gedung G Udinus, pada Senin, 4 September 2023. 

The head of BNN Central Java known as Heru conveyed the danger of drugs as well as how to manage the drug users. Based on his opinion, the effect of narcotics cannot be ignored in every layer of education and society. Hence, the National Narcotics Agency will delve more into institutions to protect the young generation. 

“Melalui sosialisasi seperti ini kami berusaha menekan penyebaran narkoba, khususnya melalui mahasiswa yang menjadi generasi muda demi mewujudkan generasi emas 2045,” ujarnya. 

Heru also expressed his appreciation toward Udinus for the commitment to giving a platform to host the drugs-preventing event, including the announcement of the campus ‘bersinar’ which stands for ‘bersih dari narkoba’ or Drug-Free Campus. 

“In accordance with the correspondence by the Head of BNN Central Java Province, we declared Udinus as a safe and drug-free campus,” added Heru. The signing session was also conducted in front of the new students that day. 

Besides that, the anti-drugs students declaration was held simultaneously, led by Muhammad Khoirul Anam, the president of the Student and Executive Board at Udinus. The event was witnessed by all of the honored guests. 

Prof. Edi responded to that event as a form of Udinus’ responsibility to the public as well as to students’ parents. As is widely recognized, youth and campuses are the average target of narcotics. The perpetrators are usually going to influence other students to harm other people.  

“Maka komitmen yang sudah kami canangkan sejak 2016 ini akan terus berjalan, menjadi kampus bebas narkoba. Salah satu langkah yang sering kami lakukan yaitu menerima BNN kapan saja untuk melakukan operasi tes urin yang dilakukan secara acak kepada kurang lebih 300 karyawan dan mahasiswa, kalau ada yang ketahuan akan langsung kami tindak,” tutupnya. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Humas Udinus)