The Health Science Department (FKes) at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) brought new students of FKes to dig deeper into non-academic potential. Which was embodied through an event called ‘FKes Got Talent’ on the third day of the faculty session of Dinus Inside at the K Building Courtyard Udinus. (September 6th 2023)

The purpose of the event was to find talented students among 393 freshmen of the 2023/2024 FKes cohort. The participants were classified into three separate study programs, namely the Undergraduate of Public Health, the Undergraduate of Environmental Health, and the Medical Record and Health Information Diploma Program.

Several bright students of the Health Science Department, named Umi Sa’diyah also made an appearance to share her experience. Umi, who was the runner up of a scientific article, revealed that her motivation in participating various competitions was to make proud of her parents.

“Besides making my parents proud, I wanted to acquire a scholarship from Udinus. Universitas Dian Nuswantoro is very transparent in providing scholarships toward students who accomplish at national and international levels regarding academic or non-academic categories,” said Umi.

The next speaker, Tyas, or the Head of the Entrepreneurial Student Development Program (P2MW), emphasized that there were many benefits that could be obtained through participating in competitions. Starting from academic to financial advantage. “Through P2MW, I can covert 6-8 credit semester. Not only that, I also got additional income from selling my products,” stated Tyas.

Besides Umi and Tyas, there are other brilliant students who attended the event. Such as Abian Haikal, Widya Putri, Zahra Yulia, Alfiatul Kanzia, and Rizka Muzzaki Syah. All of them are qualified for the Strengthening Student Organization Capacity Program (PPKO).

Noval Riski Fadlurrahman, the chief organizer, hoped that this event could dive deeper into the academic and non-academic potential of the new students. “We held FKes Got Talent on the last day of Dinus Inside with the hope of encouraging the first-year students to seek talent outside academic activity,” said Noval. (WTDN/Kurniawan. Photo: WTDN)