In mid-2023, Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) officially conferred the title of professor upon one of its distinguished faculty members, Prof. Dr. Pulung Nurtantio Andono S.T., M.Kom. Professor Pulung also holds the position of Vice-Chancellor for Research and Collaboration Affairs at Udinus. He achieved the distinction of being the youngest professor in the field of Informatics in Central Java Province.

The educational journey Prof. Pulung undertook was no easy feat. Presently, he is deeply immersed in the realm of foundational technologies that support Industry 4.0 and 5.0, including Artificial Intelligence (AI). In his research, Prof. Pulung has successfully applied one of these AI technologies known as AI Computer Vision aiming to advance both nature and culture. Having achieved the title of professor at the age of only 41, Prof. Pulung has been researching the benefits of technology in assessing the health of coral reefs in Indonesian waters.

The inauguration ceremony of the 12th professor at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) took place at the MAC Ballroom at Majapahit Semarang. The new professor was formally confirmed by the head senator at Udinus, Prof. Dr. Ir. Edi Noersasongko, M.Kom. The event was witnessed by the whole academic community at Udinus including several distinguished guests such as Dr. Lukman, ST., M.Hum., the Institutional Director of the Ministry of Education and Culture.

During an interview, Professor Edi, the Chancellor of Udinus, expressed his gratitude for the appointment of an additional professor within Udinus' academic community. He also stated that appointing this new professor serves as an encouragement for other lecturers to pursue similar academic achievements.

“We hope to see Udinus inaugurate more professors across various fields. Currently, we have 83 lecturers possessing doctoral degrees, and we are committed to supporting them in their journey toward becoming professors. Support and sustenance are always given to our educators to reach the highest accomplishment,” said Prof. Edi.

Prior to the ceremony, the title decree of the professor was conferred by Bhimo Widyo Andoko, S.H., M.H., the Head of Higher Education Services for the VI Region Agency, to Prof. Dr. Ir. Edi Noersasongko, M.Kom. Subsequently, the professorial title was presented to Dr. Pulung Nurtantio Andono, S.T., M.Kom., at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus). The decree handover took place on the first floor of the H building, specifically in the meeting room of the Computer Science Department.

Upon the decree handover conducted by Bhimo Widyo Andoko, S.H., M.H., to Prof. Dr. Pulung Nurtantio Andono, S.T., M.Kom, the ceremony was followed by a spectacular performance from the T.R.I.A.D band, amusing all attending guests.

The New Professor at Udinus specializes in the Study fields of AI and Computer Vision

Nowadays, Artificial intelligence is a game changer in a variety of sectors and industries that develop in the middle of our society. With the help of AI, various global problems as industrial manufacturing, education, and healthcare, in more effective and innovative ways. Professor Pulung utilizes AI to tackle challenges related to the preservation of Indonesian culture and nature.

Prof. Pulung maintains the usage of digital technology that keeps developing such as 3D, Virtual Reality (VR, and Augmentation Reality (AR). Moreover, digitalization plays a pivotal role in the preservation and promotion of the gamelan culture through Artificial Intelligence. Utilizing image and sound processing techniques, AI can recreate digitalized gamelan instruments, known as 'E-Gamelanku.' Professor Pulung consistently advances his research in the field of AI, with E-Gamelanku now accessible through VR and AR.

This type of technology immerses users in the realm of gamelan, allowing them to interact with these musical instruments. Users can even create their own music within this virtually engaging and educational environment. Gamelan systems utilizing these technologies are referred to as 'Gamelan Metaverse.'

The development of robot gamelan, also known as 'Robot Sekar Nuswantoro,' is another initiative contributing to the enrichment of Indonesian culture. This combines classical gamelan instruments with a robotic technological environment.

Professor Pulung, the 12th professor at Udinus, has focused on the development of computer vision delving into the complex replication of human vision systems. Consequently, this technology has become a significant part of artificial intelligence, offering great potential for

cultivating nature. He has also conducted research through the utilization of computer vision by taking the coral reef objects. Currently, the research is still in development, and the results have been systematized in the research.

“Nowadays, artificial intelligence has become the base of technology in the industrial revolution, especially in the context of cultural and environmental preservation. In the context of environmental preservation, computer vision technology holds the promise of more effective methods for monitoring biodiversity,” explained Prof. Pulung.

In Indonesia, there are not many professors in the field of Informatics, especially in AI. But now, Udinus has one of them. In fact, Prof. Pulung Nurtantio Andono, S.T., M.Kom, who was born on September 10, 1982, has made significant contributions. Within only 10 years, he has authored 45 articles in scientific journals.

There are many major research projects at Udinus that have also benefited from Prof. Pulung's involvement, including 5 research projects. One of them is the Robot Gamelan Sekar Nuswantoro, which received funding of 360 million Rupiah from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemdikbud). This funding has been a result of his various research efforts. Furthermore, he has published 19 written works in the form of books from 2020 to 2022.

During his interview, Prof. Dr. Pulung Nurtantio Andono, S.T., M.Kom, mentioned that achieving the highest academic title in Indonesia is not the end but the beginning of his journey. In the future, Prof. Pulung aims to continue increasing the number of innovations that can benefit society at large.

"The title of Professor is a responsibility and a great honor. I hope that with the addition of this title, Udinus will advance further until becoming a World Class University," emphasized the first Computer Science Professor in Central Java.

Prof. Pulung shared that he had been facing various challenges in learning AI and applying it. This is because AI is neither a new science nor an old one. According to him, there is currently limited reference related to AI. In the future, AI, which will be studied by Prof. Pulung, will be used to address the issue of stunting in Indonesia, especially in the city of Semarang.

"With limited references, it is necessary to be meticulous in reviewing them. The issue of stunting is still pressing, and we need to use AI to help solve the stunting problem quickly," said the newly appointed Professor, whilst holding high expectations.

The Newly Appointed Professor at Udinus was Trusted to Meet Expectations

Professor title is the highest academic achievement that can be attained by an educator. Currently, Udinus has 12 professors in various fields. Prof. Pulung, who officially received the title of professor on June 1st this year, is the youngest and the first in the field of Informatics.

During his speech, Dr. Lukman, ST., M.Hum, Director of Institutional Affairs at the Ministry of Education and Culture Research and Technology, congratulated Prof. Dr. Pulung Nurtantio Andono, S.T., M.Kom on being appointed as the 12th Professor at Udinus. He hoped that in the future, Prof. Pulung would be able to build an outstanding human resource and make Udinus an international university.

Dr. Lukman said "The presence of a distinguished professor in the field of AI is highly needed today, as AI is indispensable across all sectors. The appointment of a distinguished professor today marks a significant moment for technological advancement in Indonesia. We hope that Professor Pulung's future research endeavors will address the challenges in Indonesia.”

Meanwhile, the Mayor of Semarang, also made an appearance at the Inauguration event, Ir. Hj. Hevearita Gunaryanti Rahayu, M.Sos. She congratulated Prof. Dr. Pulung Nurtantio Andono, S.T., M.Kom, for achieving the title of Distinguished Professor in the field of Informatics. Additionally, Prof. Pulung holds the distinction of being the youngest professor in the field of technology in Central Java. She also hoped that the discoveries made by Udinus' the recently sanctioned professor would contribute to the progress of Semarang City.

“With regard to the maritime wealth and the region in Semarang City, there is a significant production of fish. We hope that Professor Pulung's research in the maritime field can be applied and ultimately support the improvement of natural wealth in Semarang City. For example, take a look at fish. It can also serve as a vital source of nutrition for children," she concluded.