Inspiration could come from anywhere. Agnes Putri Winny Widianto Rambaho, a student of the Undergraduate Communication Science at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus), saw that exact inspiration upon pursuing her career in the entertainment industry. Initially, her interest came from the audience's reaction to the role played by an actor in a movie.

“Since 2017, I began to see the interest, which motivated me to dive into my career as an actress,” she added.

Six years have passed since Agnes initiated her debut as an actress. While engaging in this career, she claimed that she needed time for adaptation. “Back then, I could not help but to be shocked as I lacked in adaptation. Moreover, I had to work all day long. However, now that I have integrated into this career, I feel little to no tension in this industry,” she revealed.

Agnes, born in 2002 in Malang, was involved in a movie known as ‘Teori Cakrawala’ coming soon in cinemas. The film mainly tells the story of a teacher wandering around remote areas to teach children who have no desire for education. Upon starting the journey, the protagonist encounters problems and obstacles to overcome. But, with her sheer amount of persistence and will, those problems burden her no more.

In the movie, Agnes cast her role as a character named ‘Putri,’ the sidekick of the protagonist with a carefree and supportive personality. According to Agnes, her role was a difficult one especially when it came to depicting her character in such a miserable fashion. This was because she had never experienced this kind of misery throughout her life.

“However, thanks to the support given by my fellow actresses and others, I was motivated enough to face the hesitation,” she continued.

Agnes also mentioned that there were personal and group preparations during the preparation. The shooting process took 18 days. “The shooting process of ‘Teori Cakrawala’ took place from April 25 to May 1, 2022, and would continue from May 14 to May 24, 2022,” she shared.

She also shared several tips for acting your role as a character including understanding the scenario and shaping the proper character. “Additionally, we also need to practice the dialog, intonation, and body gestures in front of a mirror. After we do all of those, it is time for us to practice the character in the shooting session,” she uttered.

Not only did she play her role as an actress, but Agnes also took part in creating a soundtrack named ‘Terbang Kembali’. In the future, she would like to keep working as an actress and motivate people through her work. (Humsa Udinus/Ika. Foto: Dok. Pribadi)