Thirteen athletes from Universitas Dian Nuswantoro Udinus) will compete in the 2023 National Student Sports Week XVIII. Those students will participate in four different sports branches, including karate, wall climbing, taekwondo, and chess. 

Perlombaan olahraga tingkat nasional itu digelar selama 10 hari dan dimulai pada 12-22 November 2023. Kalimantan Selatan pada tahun ini, menjadi tuan rumah Pomnas 2023. Ketiga belas mahasiswa Udinus, akan bergabung dengan 270 atlet yang dikirim oleh Badan Pembina Olahraga Mahasiswa Indonesia (Bapomi) Jawa Tengah untuk mengikuti ajang tersebut. 

This year, there are sixteen sports branches included in the National Sports Event in South Kalimantan, and athletes from Central Java will compete in fifteen of those. In the second edition of previous sports weeks, Central Java managed to claim the second and third placements. The National Student Sports Week itself is a sports event involving many students from various universities in Central Java. 

Doa terbaik juga disampaikan oleh Rektor Udinus, Prof. Dr. Ir. Edi Noersasongko, M.Kom  saat melepas Ketiga belas mahasiswa tersebut. Prof. Edi juga berharap para atlet Udinus yang berlaga di Pomnas tahun ini, dapat meraih prestasi dan mampu menyumbangkan emas. Medali itu nantinya akan menjadi kontribusi untuk kontingen Jateng. Para Atlet juga harus menjunjung tinggi sportifitas dan tentunya persaudaraan antar sesama atlet.

“We are sure that the athletes have showcased their maximum performance, both in terms of academics and sports. They have certainly utilized their training to its fullest. Hopefully, our athletes could give their best performance at the 2023 National Student Sports Week,” the chancellor explained. 

Support Given by the Student Affairs Team

Dr. Kusni Ingsih, the Vice Chancellor III of Student Affairs, expressed her utmost pride in the athletes for being included in the Central Java Squad at the 2023 National Student Sports Week. On the same occasion, she also revealed that the Student Affairs Team would accompany and see their matches.

“This dispatchment has been a routine agenda for us, and commonly, students will ask the chancellor for prayers. Our athletes will depart on November 12, 2023,” Dr. Kusni explained.

Those thirteen students will compete in various sports branches. Two athletes will compete in the karate sports branch, namely Hera Irnandha and Getta Shafada A. Additionally, Ahmad Hafid R. and Afrian Dwisna Z. will participate in the wall climbing sports branch. 

Meanwhile, there are three students engaging in the taekwondo sports branch, including Kikan Nurhaliza R., Hanindra Agung N., and Dinda Putri L. Whereas, the chess sports branch consists of six students, namely Surya Wahyu P., Mustofa Iqbal, Evi Yuli Ana, Ephesians Prismarantha, Ahmad Riziq, and Muslimah Nurul A.

(Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Humas Udinus)