At an AI Conference, Prof. Pulung: AI Could Positively Impact the Education Sector!

At an AI Conference, Prof. Pulung: AI Could Positively Impact the Education Sector!

An Informatics professor from Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus), Prof. Dr. Pulung Nurtantion Andono, S.T., M.Kom., gave an example of implementing Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the field of education through an event known as ‘Next Level AI Conference,’ which featured various IT experts in Indonesia, on Thursday, November 23rd, 2023.

The event was held at a hotel in Semarang with AI Utilization on the Business Scope as its main topic. Moreover, this event was an embodiment of a partnership tied between three companies, including Nexa, InfoKomputer, and Kitatama.

During his warm greetings, Priyo Suyono, the Director of Nexa, explained that AI utilization began to grow in businesses. With the existence of AI, many aspects of life were impacted in a positive way, particularly in the business aspect. For example, it could create a business opportunity and improve the cyber security possessed by an organization.

“Hopefully, this event could provide a platform in the form of networking and bridge various Indonesian eco-digital economic agents,” Priyo uttered.

In addition, several prominent figures were also present at the event, including the Vice Minister of Communication and Informatics, the Co-Founder of Korika and a Professor from ‘Institut Teknologi Bandung’, the Director of Channels and Strategic Partnership at South East Asia Google Cloud, the Director of the Indonesian Technology Office Microsoft, and the Head of Solution at Architect Alibaba Cloud Indonesia.

Udinus Towards Acceleration of AI Technology

On the same occasion, Prof. Pulung gave examples of various AI implementations impacting the general public directly, particularly in the fields of agriculture and fishery.

“In addition, my research, which led me to become a professor, could also serve as an example of this, namely utilizing technology to measure corals’ health within the Indonesian body of water. The ‘technology’ refers to an AI technology named Computer Vision,” he explained.

Similar to his explanation, AI implementation has also been taught to students at Udinus. Moreover, students also have the opportunity to work as an intern through a program known as ‘Bangkit’ and the Independent Campus program.

“Our students managed to invent an innovation named ‘Fishku,’ a digital app used to connect fishermen to their customers. Additionally, our students also developed ‘Tanamin’ to detect plants’ health through a camera,” Prof. Pulung uttered.

“For the years to come, AI could become more versatile in handling everyday problems. Artificial Intelligence is neither our enemy nor to be fearful of, but it is something we must embrace and learn. Thus, we can utilize it to its fullest potential,” Prof. Pulung. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Dok. Pribadi)