Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) Semarang organized a debriefing session for the 79th batch of graduate candidates, aiming to prepare them for the challenges of the next academic level. The event featured Harjanto Halim, the Director of PT Marimas Kencana Putra. (Friday, November 17th, 2023)
Harjanto shared his entrepreneurial journey and insights on cultivating a strong mentality with all of the graduate candidates at Udinus. He emphasized that the path to a successful business is challenging but that doesn’t mean it is impossible to achieve. It requires a strong mentality and a commitment to learning from failures.
Reflecting on his own experiences, Harjanto stated, “Many of my early business endeavors faced setbacks, but they provided valuable lessons. These lessons served as capital, ensuring that future failures transform into opportunities.”
"I encourage you to adopt this mindset. There was no easy thing in the beginning, but consider it as a capital investment. Alongside competence and financial resources, a resilient mindset is highly important for entrepreneurs. Regardless of the challenges, it is crucial to persevere and keep progressing," added Harjanto.

On that occasion, Prof. Dr. Supriadi Rustad, M.Si, Vice-Chancellor I in the Academic Field at Udinus, delivered a speech. He advised all graduating candidates to thoroughly absorb the presented materials, emphasizing their potential as valuable references for building a business or venturing into the corporate world.
“Udinus always routinely conducts this type of debriefing for its Prospective graduates. This event also marks the culmination of their academic journey before officially earning the degree that they've worked hard for throughout their college life,” said Dr. Supriadi.
Among the guests Major General Drs. Nugroho SB, M.M., the Chairman of Ika Udinus, also attended the event accompanied by Heri Pamungkas S.S. M.I.Kom, the Chairman of Ika Udinus Daily Executive, standing with several other officials from Udinus.
The debriefing session for Udinus graduating candidates is a routine activity for all prospective graduates. This session takes place a few days before the actual graduation ceremony. The 79th graduation ceremony is scheduled for November 22-23, 2023, and will be attended by both prospective graduates and their parents.