The Health Science Faculty at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) has gained a new addition of doctors in the field of Public Health. Dr. Eti Rimawati, SKM., M.Kes., triumphantly finished her doctoral studies through her dissertation, which mainly discusses about Parenting Model Through Entertaining Education.
The problems regarding sexual harassment toward minors have always been a topic that deserves its own spotlight, at least for Dr. Eti Rimawati. These days, mothers hold an important role in educating their children, encompassing knowledge, attitude, self-efficacy, and communication between mothers and children needs to be expanded even further by considering a fun learning process for children.
During her interview, Dr. Eti Rimawati, SKM., M.Kes., explained that the Parenting Model Through Entertaining Education held an important aim, namely it could educate the children through the mothers’ changes in attitude. In testing the model, Dr. Eti Rimawati utilized 156 pairs of mothers and children chosen in a stratified random sampling method. The PEER model was developed in a media package, consisting of modules, animated videos, and edutainment videos.
“During the model implementation, there were several sessions conducted, including pre-test, 3-hour training, and post-test upon a month of implementing this model. The results showed that there were several distinctive knowledge and attitudes of the mothers, as well as the knowledge possessed by the children,” she explained.
Upon conducting various testing processes, the PEER model could produce an increase in knowledge, the mothers’ attitudes, and children’s knowledge regarding reproductive health. Additionally, the model was also capable of directly influencing the increase of knowledge both for the children and the mothers.
Furthermore, in terms of path analysis, the PEER model could more directly affect the children’s knowledge, in contrast to indirect ways.
“My PEER model is also capable of positively impacting several testing processes. The impact was mainly caused by the edutainment media, which apparently benefitted the interaction between the mothers and children,” she explained.
Dr. Eti Rimawati claimed to be glad to achieve her doctoral degree and sustain the needs of doctors in the Department of Public Health. She wished for her knowledge to support her students and even the public.
“I hereby express my gratitude to the whole academic community at Udinus for supporting me in achieving my doctoral degree,” she said.
Her achievement also marked a new addition of doctors on campus. Qualified faculty members are undoubtedly needed in the current modern era, as they could make significant contributions to the future of the education system of Indonesia.
Moreover, the chancellor of Udinus, Prof. Dr. Ir. Edi Noersasongko, M.Kom, also congratulated Dr. Rimawati, SKM., M.Kes., for attaining her doctoral degree. “I hereby congratulate Dr. Eti Rimawati, SKM., M.Kes., for completing her doctoral studies. Hopefully, her degree could make a great contribution to improving the quality of our education system and creating a tough and skilled generation,” the chancellor concluded. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Dok. Pribadi)