The Diploma of Film and Television (FTV) Program at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) recently organized a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) involving representative users of the third type of self-management microlearning videos. FGD aimed to collect suggestions from teachers who are using PMM or ‘Platform Merdeka Mengajar.’ 

The event was attended by the representative of microlearning video users from various educational levels including, Kindergarten, Elementary School, Junior high school, and Senior Highschool. took place at Hotel Rooms Inc. Semarang, on Tuesday, (11/29/2023). The goal of FGD is to collect suggestions from users. In addition, Dr. Ruri Suko Basuki, M.Kom., the head organizer of the third type of self-management, said that the gathered data would be used to enhance the upcoming microlearning videos. 

Several microlearning videos were made prior to the initiation of the forum discussion. The making process involved students as well as lecturers of the Udinus’ FTV study program. Among 302 targeted videos, Udinus is responsible for producing 51 of them. These videos are classified into three types, including illustration with voice-over, motion graphic with voiceover, and scene setting. 

“For our scene production, we directly involve students and teachers based on the video content. This process ensures the video being displayed can be more on point to the intended educational level,” said Ruri. 

“With the help of this forum discussion, we can gather some advice or suggestions from representatives of each educational level. We are hoping that this advice can improve our video production to be one step ahead,” added Ruri who’s also serving as the head of the FTV Study Program.  

Furthermore, Affandy, M.Kom., Ph.D., and the Vice Dean of Computer Science Faculty at Udinus also attended the event. He revealed that currently, the Faculty of Computer Science including the FTV Study Program is achieving a lot because of the government's trust in them to massively produce learning videos. Despite the limited production time, the entire production will still follow the schedule. 

“The students who are involved in this production come from different semesters, as part of their implementation of the MBKM program from the government. Moreover, this activity can be an opportunity for them to practice the knowledge that they have acquired from learning at college,” Affandy Concluded. 

As additional information, PMM or ‘Platform Merdeka Mengajar’ is conducted by the School Supervisors and Education Personnel Agency. The purpose of this platform is to produce ‘Pancasila Students’ educational goals that have a variety of features such as learning, teaching, and working features. Furthermore, PMM also provides references for teachers to improve learning practice that is in line with the Merdeka Curriculum. Notably, the FTV Study Program at Udinus signed an agreement with the School Supervisors and Education Personnel Agency in June 2023 in Jakarta. (Udinus Public Relation/Haris. Photo: Udinus PR)