Who wants to achieve success as a college student?
Hi Fellas! 👋

Poster Kelas Lomba dari akun instagram HMM Udinus
Poster Kelas Lomba dari akun instagram HMM Udinus

💵“Class Competition, the Management Student Association, the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udinus“💵

We have officially opened an admission for first-semester to fourth-semester students of the Department of Management to achieve success.

This Class Competition is expected to push students to gather insight into the scope of Management. Moreover, this Class Competition also serves as a platform for students to gather accomplishments in the field of academics.

📃Requirements 📃

• A minimum GPA of 3.0
• An active freshman or sophomore student
• A scan of a Student's Card
• A self-photograph wearing the campus alma mater jacket


• AKKM Point
• Certificate
• Bachelor’s Certificate Companion Letter
• Free Supervisor

!!The Admission is Completely Free of Charge!!

🔗 http://tiny.cc/kelaslomba2023 🔗

What are you waiting for? Register here and now!!

For further information, you can contact us:

More information
📱CP: 088216462536 (Alwin)
📱CP: 085879281307 (Zahwa)

-Build Unity in Diversity-

Thank you,
Public Relations
The Management Student Associations of the Economics and Business Faculty at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro 2023/2024

Foto Feed Kelas Lomba dari akun instagram HMM Udinus
Barcode Pendaftaran Kelas Lomba dari akun instagram HMM Udinus