Explore self-discovery and embrace self-love both internally and externally at the 'Seminar on Self-Love and Beauty Class,' which features high-profile speakers and mentors, including:

👤 Ninin Kholida Mulyono S.Psi., M.Kes., M.Psi (Co- Founder LPPT OASE Indonesia)
👤Syifa Bilqisthi (Make up Mentor Wardah)

Registration Link : https://bit.ly/PendaftaranEternalBeautyProject

📌 Timeline
🗓️ Saturday, Desember 16th, 2023
🕘 09.00 – 15.30 WIB
📍Third floor in the Hall of the E Building, at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro, Semarang

Benefit :
Seminar :
📄 E-Sertifikat Seminar
🎁 Seminar kit
🍿 Snack
🍱 Lunch
👥 Relation and experience
💡New Insight and Knowledge

Beauty Class :
📄 E-Sertifikat Beautyclass Wardah
💄 2 Product Make up Wardah
🍿 Snack
🍱 Lunch
👥 Relation and experience
💡New Insight and Knowledge

Don't forget to keep an eye on the next update @eternalbeauty.project for more tips and trick in loving yourself 💥🥳 !!

081285240997 – Nabila Vikha S
082313643189‬ – Tri Permata Ningrum

Poster Seminar Make Up Class with Wardah Cintai Diri Sendiri
Poster Seminar Make Up Class with Wardah