Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) once again held an Integrated Development Post for Non-infectious Diseases and Medication located in the gallery on the first floor of the H building. The post was open on Wednesday, November 8, 2023...
There were various health services offered at the post, including waist size measuring, Body Mass Index (BMI) measuring, blood glucose checking, gout, and cholesterol inspection, as well as medication.
The Integrated Development Post for Non-infectious Diseases and Medication initiated by the Health Science Faculty also tied collaborations with the campus clinic and the Computer Science Faculty, as stated by the Vice Dean of Academic and Student Affairs at the Computer Science Faculty, Dr. Ahmad Zainul Fanani, S.Si., M.Kom.
“This post aims to provide the best healthcare possible to the whole academic community and the locals. Moreover, this program is also a form of collaboration tied by the Health Science Faculty and the Computer Science Faculty,” he explained.
Through this Integrated Development Post, the vice dean hoped for the whole academic community at the Computer Science Faculty and the general public to utilize this post to its fullest.
According to him, health is dynamic; therefore, it is important to regularly check up. Furthermore, the vice dean also wished for this program to be hosted more often.
“Health is indeed dynamic. You might be feeling well today, but who knows about tomorrow? That is why a routine check-up is crucial for our body or the human body in general. Wishfully, this kind of program could be hosted more regularly at every faculty so that all students or faculty members could utilize this post,” he continued.
As stated by the Head of the Department of Environmental Health, Dr. Drs. Slamet Isworo, M.Kes., at the last-month Integrated Development Post, he expressed his utmost hope for this program to be hosted more routinely, as this program could serve as a form of community service. (Humas Udinus/Ika. Foto: Humas Udinus)