‘Si Warik’ animation is being developed into different styles including video games. The applied study program of animation collaborates with the Bachelor of Informatics to develop two ‘Si Warik’ video games in 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional types of game.
Gim ‘si Warik’ kini telah memasuki pada tahapan testing dan melibatkan puluhan mahasiswa dan dosen di dua program studi tersebut. Setiap prodi memiliki peran yang berbeda, tim dari Prodi D-4 Animasi berperan dalam pembuatan aset untuk tampilan di gim tersebut. Sementara, Prodi S-1 TI berfokus pada pembuatan coding dan pemrogramannya. Pada proses pembuatannya gim 2D dan 3D ‘Si Warik’, membutuhkan sekitar 2 bulan dan kini terus dalam proses pengembangan.
Ristia Kadiasti, M.Sn., one of the developers as well as the faculty member of the Animation department at Udinus, said that those two games, that are under development, have different themes from one another. The ‘Si Warik’ Game in 2D style entitled ‘The Story of Nusantara.’ Meanwhile, the 3D style carries the title ‘Warik the Adventurer: Hidden World Secret.’ She revealed that the development of the Intellectual Property (IP) for 'Si Warik' was carefully planned since the beginning and had possessed several product developments.
“Besides film animation, we also developed ‘Si Warik’ in the form of merchandise and now continue with the development of video games. Presently, we are planning on conducting game testing to observe the deficiencies of our video game,” added Ristia
The testing of the ‘Si Warik’ game in 2D & 3D styles was held at the animation studio. It was attended by 20 students to played that game using their gadgets. In the near future, the game will be available to download for free through Google Play store including other platforms as well.
Dosen Prodi S-1 TI Udinus dan tim programming gim ‘Si Warik’, Hanny Haryanto, S.Kom, M.T menjelaskan bahwa pembuatan gim ‘Si Warik’ 2D memanfaatkan platform Unity dan gim 3D nya menggunakan platform unreal. Menurutnya kolaborasi antar prodi sangat penting karena dengan hal tersebut mengisi gap-gap yang ada dan mampu memberikan ilmu tambahan bagi mahasiswa yang terlibat.
“Melalui kegiatan ini kami memberikan ilmu tambahan bagi para mahasiswa, di Prodi D-4 Animasi maupun S-1 TI. Pada proses pembuatan gim tak hanya sebatas membuat pemrograman dan asetnya saja dan selesai, namun ada tahapan-tahapan lainnya seperti proses testing yang rata-rata mencapai enam kali,” tegasnya.
Pada permainan gim ‘Si Warik’, menampilkan karakter utama yang memakai kostum berwarna merah dan mewajibkan mengumpulkan koin-koin yang tersebar di gim itu. Pemain dituntut untuk mengumpulkan banyak koin dan melewati beberapa stage yang disediakan oleh pengembang.
‘Si Warik’ animation is being developed into different styles including video games. The applied study program of animation collaborates with the Bachelor of Informatics to develop two ‘Si Warik’ video games in 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional types of game.
Currently, the ‘Si Warik’ video game has entered the testing phase, involving dozens of students along with lecturers from the related study programs. Each study program has a different role, the first team from the Animation program is responsible for making the asset for the game’s visual appearance. On the other hand, the team from the Informatics program focuses on coding and program creation. The development process of ‘Si Warik’ in 2D and 3D took time around two months.
Ristia Kadiasti, M.Sn., one of the developers as well as the faculty member of the Animation department at Udinus, said that those two games, that are under development, have different themes from one another. The ‘Si Warik’ Game in 2D style entitled ‘The Story of Nusantara.’ Meanwhile, the 3D style carries the title ‘Warik the Adventurer: Hidden World Secret.’ She revealed that the development of the Intellectual Property (IP) for 'Si Warik' was carefully planned since the beginning and had possessed several product developments.
“Besides film animation, we also developed ‘Si Warik’ in the form of merchandise and now continue with the development of video games. Presently, we are planning on conducting game testing to observe the deficiencies of our video game,” added Ristia
The testing of the ‘Si Warik’ game in 2D & 3D styles was held at the animation studio. It was attended by 20 students to played that game using their gadgets. In the near future, the game will be available to download for free through Google Play store including other platforms as well.
A lecturer of the Informatics Program who’s also a member of the programming team, Hanny Haryanto, S.Kom, M.T, explained that the making process of ‘Si Warik’ 2D utilizes a certain platform called Unity while the 3D game uses Unreal platform. He admitted that the collaboration inter-study programs are very important because they can fill the gaps that exist and it can also give additional knowledge to the students who are involved in the program.
“Through this activity, we provide additional knowledge for students both from the applied animation program and the bachelor of Informatics program. The making process of this game isn’t just covering the making of assets and programs but there are also other steps such as testing process that are commonly conducted six times,” emphasized Haryanto.
In this ‘Si Warik’ game, the main character appears to wear a red costume and players are obliged to collect coins that are scattered inside the game. To collect the coins, players have to go through several stages which are provided by the developer. (Udinus Public Relation/Alex. Photo: Udinus PR)