A learning process essentially refers to an activity where a teacher transfers his or her knowledge to students. In practice, a learning process needs a mediator that always improves as time goes on. On this occasion, the community service team at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) hosted a training program dedicated to teachers at KB Aisyiyah 09 so that they could keep up with the advancements of the current era.

The activity was initiated by four faculty members at Udinus with Imam Nuryanto, S.E., M.M., from the Department of Management as the leader. Imam was helped by other three faculty members, including Aries Setiawan, M.Kom., and Juli Ratnawati, S.E., M.M., from the Undergraduate Management Department, and Ayu Ashari, S.S.T., M.Kes., from the Department of Medical Record and Information.

Pelatihan yang mengusung nama ‘Pembuatan Quiz Bergambar Dengan Power Point’ itu juga melibatkan dua mahasiswa Prodi S-1 Manajemen Udinus Gusti Ananda Setyawan dan Silvia Damayanti. Kegiatan berlangsung di KB Aisyiyah 09 yang berlokasi di Kecamatan Mijen, Kota Semarang, belum lama ini. 

Imam Nuryanto, S.E., M.M., the Head Organizer, explained that the program aimed to maximize teachers’ skills in transferring their knowledge to their students. In that training program, those teachers are obliged to utilize computers as a learning media to create quiz media with pictures. 

“We are committed to hosting this training program, as KB Aisyiyah 09 has already possessed several computer units, but they had not been utilized well, and most of the things were done in a conventional way,” he revealed. 

As the survey conducted by the team suggests, the learning process conducted in a conventional way tends to be tedious. According to Imam, there needs to be a development in using computer media so that learning processes can be more intriguing and optimal. He also revealed that PowerPoint was a perfect medium as it could easily be learned and implemented. 

“By using PowerPoint, the teachers could make a quiz medium with media and pictures to attract the students’ attention. PowerPoint is also fairly practical as it could be accessed through many platforms, including computers and mobile phones,” he added.

Aries Setiawan, M.Kom., one of the team members, mentioned that the program also aimed to improve the teachers’ sense of innovation, particularly in making an intriguing learning media to be presented to students. Furthermore, the program could also support the decision to give learning evaluations.

“Hopefully, all teachers at KB Aisyiyah 09 could utilize the knowledge we gave them to its fullest. Community service is also one of the obliged activities to be conducted as stated in the Tri Dharma philosophy. The faculty members must directly contribute to the advancements in various fields in public,” he concluded. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Dok. Tim PKM Udinus)