The Humanities Faculty at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) tied a collaboration with Televisi Kampus Udinus (TVKU) to host the TNews Program, ‘The Journalist.’ The Roadshow Workshop of this program has currently reached its second batch, taking place at a high school, SMAN 3 Semarang, on November 7th, 2023.
In addition to 200 students from SMAN 3 Semarang, students from other ten high school institutions within Central Semarang were also present at the workshop. There were three speakers featured in the program, including Heri Pamungkas, S.S., M.I.Kom., (the Head of TVKU), Tutuk Toto Carito (the Head Editor of TVKU), and Siswo Pranoto, S.Sn., (a faculty member and creative designer).
TNews is a program conducted by the Humanities Faculty and TVKU. This program could provide a platform for students to initiate their careers as a presenter. Unlike conventional presenters, TNews offers three languages, encompassing English, Japanese, and Javanese.
Using ‘Democratic Millenial Volunteer’ as the theme, TVKU, and the Humanities Faculty committed to creating young leaders, which was in line with the tagline of this program, ‘Leader Crates Leader, Not Follower.’
“At the workshop, the speakers presented their explanations to the students. It mainly encompassed topics, such as public speaking and lobbying techniques, editing, and camera techniques, as well as scriptwriting and editorship,” Tutuk Toto Carito explained.
Providing New Benefits and Insight

On the same occasion, Dr. Raden Arief Nugroho, S.S., M.Hum., the Dean of the Humanities Faculty, also made an appearance to discuss several topics. He hoped for this program to be beneficial for students to gather insight. “Hopefully, this program could bring positive impacts to the student admission on campus,” the dean hoped.
Through workshops, Udinus could expand its scope by visiting high school institutions scattered around Semarang. Fortunately, this event is generally well-accepted by every visited school. Prior to this, this journalistic workshop had already been hosted in several schools, including SMAN 1 Boja in Kendal and SMK Miftahul Ulum in Demak.
The Humanities Faculty and TVKU also collaborated to host the T-News Broadcasting Competition. The competition ran rousingly with a total of 218 participants from 23 different high school institutions. (Humas Udinus/Ika. Foto: Dok. TVKU)