Ahmad Meisafrozi - A Student of the Department of Public Health at Udinus

The optimization in preventing health problems and climate change has recently garnered the public spotlight. Through this issue, Ahmad Meisafrozi, a Public Health student from Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus), successfully triumphed in two different national competitions. 

Ahmad gained those accomplishments in ‘The National Global Public Health and Climate Competition,’ hosted by Universitas Airlangga. He successfully claimed three different achievements in two different categories. 

“I could not help but express my joy for being able to make a name for our campus on the national level,” he proudly revealed. 

“In the photography competition, I triumphantly won first and second place in the ‘Undergraduate Education’ category. In addition, I also won third place in the educational short video group category with my two other friends,” Ahmad explained.

Ahmad Mahasiswa FKes Udinus Berhasil Berprestasi di Bidang Minat dan Bakat

According to Ahmad, his latest accomplishments did not mark the end of his journey. As a matter of fact, he would always strive for others through his experience. His accomplishments could also indirectly motivate other students to develop their latent talents and interests. Moreover, he also explained that talents and interests were mainly inspired by passion, not the students’ majors. 

“The fact that I am passionate in the field of photography says it all. Nevertheless, I do still mix my photographs with Public Health aspects, which is my college major,” Ahmad added.

One of his photos in the competition depicted a construction worker with no safety equipment, including gloves and face shields. Through that photo, Ahmad was committed to raising public awareness regarding the importance of safety equipment at work. This was in accordance with his understanding of the Safety Precaution Course.

The Department of Public Health is one of the departments in the Faculty of Health Science at Udinus. The department has successfully got the A accreditation. On the same occasion, Ahmad also revealed that he constantly received support from both faculty members and fellow students. He further revealed that the competition helped him hone his champion mentality and his skills to compete in the realm of professionalism. 

“Udinus memiliki atmosfer perkuliahan yang sangat bagus. Para dosen terus mendorong saya untuk tidak takut mencoba dan terus mengikuti kejuaraan. Bimbingan rutin juga terus mereka berikan dengan baik,” tutupnya. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Humas Udinus)