Once again, the basketball Student Activity Unit (SAU) of Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) carved achievements in two different categories within the same competition. The basketball unit made these attainments on the ‘Rector Cup Invitation 2023’ known as IPR 2023 which was held by a university in Surakarta city, a while ago.
During the final, on Saturday (12/09/2023), Udinus’ female basketball team successfully won first place after playing against Universitas Diponegoro. The team members consisted of students from various study programs.
The first member is Dian Ayu Putri Kurnia Irawan from the 2019 cohort of the Communication Science Program. Additionally, there is also Yedida Putri Anugrah Waryanto and Fitra Sagita from the 2020 cohort. Moving forward to the 2021 cohort, they have Tri Wahyu Afilyani, Denissa Rahmawati, and Novianti, all enrolled in the Communication Science Program.
Moreover, students from the Management Program also actively participate in Udinus’ women's basketball team. These members are also coming from a diverse cohort, they have members from the 2020 cohort, including Laili Safitri and Henika Dara Vetrika. Followed by Shella Arta Melinda from the 2021 cohort and students from the 2022 cohort such as Ratri Ayu Pramesinta, Nurul Apriani, and Sarah Nurrohamah. Notably, Amelia Izha Azindany and Theresia Chrisma Rosalind from the 2023 cohort received the MVP title.
Lastly, Rachel Euginea Valerie H.K, a student from the Bachelor of Informatics Program also strengthened the team. She is a student from the 2022 cohort.
As the MVP holder, Theresia Chrisma expressed her pride toward her achievement in the 2023 IPR Competition. This milestone becomes a stepping stone for her to perform better in the upcoming competition. Prior to this achievement, this team has prepared for everything and of course with the support from the coach of the Udinus Basketball Unit.
“This accomplishment is also because of the support from Udinus Student Affairs, making me feel more confident to play at my best. I'm also proud to be able to represent Udinus' alma mater and won the first place,” said Theresia Chrisma.

In addition, the male basketball team refused to be left behind, ultimately securing the position of the runner-up. The team comprises students from various study programs, including Stefanus Aditya Pratama Putra (2022 cohort), Galang Wisnu P.P.P, Fachriza Adhi Ad’ha, and Chistofer Albert (2023 cohort) in management.
Meanwhile, members from the Bachelor of Informatics include Fariza Yahya Ananda and Jonathan Karel Setiawan (2020 cohort), along with Chistofer Albert (2022 cohort). Additionally, representing the Bachelor of Information Systems are Bima Setiawan Abdul Rozak (2020 cohort) and Javier Nathaniel Binsar Marpaung (2021 cohort).
Furthermore, members from the Bachelor of Industrial Engineering consist of Husna Salza Malisdira (2020 cohort) and Benaya Christavemas (2022 cohort). Later on, Bima Daffa, Dedy Setiawan, and Wahyu Eka Putra (2021 cohort) as well as Surohman Adi Nugroho (2020 cohort) all enrolled in the Communication Science Program.
Bima Daffa, the General Chairman of the Basketball Unit, extended his gratitude toward both teams’ achievements. He mentioned that during the preparation, they received much support from the campus including administrations, accommodations, and even facilities that are necessary for the teams.
“In the future, I hope that the female team can keep up their performance to defend the title. For the male team, I hope they can learn and process more to get a better result than this,” stated Bima. (Udinus Public Relation/Ika. Photo: Doc. Udinus’ Basketball Unit)