Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) once again thrives on new achievements at the international scientific paper competition. Two papers from Udinus were successfully taking home awards, in the competition which was organized by Universitas Airlangga (Unair).
Two students were involved in the competition and one of them was Tito Wira Eka Suryawijaya, an undergraduate student in the management program. Moreover, he also actively participates in student organizations called Student Consultative Assembly known as MPM-KM. The other student is, Fisichella Andrew Laurent. He is an undergraduate student of the informatics program and is also a member of the Student Representative Council known as DPM-KM.
The first paper, entitled ‘New Viewpoint Era of Weather Monitoring: Arduino Based Portable Weather Station Design’ successfully achieved the award of ‘The Innovative Paper for Green Technology.’ This paper is a collaboration by Tito and Fisichella under the direct guidance of the Vice Chancellor III of Student Affairs, Dr. Kusni Ingsih, M.M.
“There were 23 international delegations from foreign countries such as Myanmar, Afghanistan, China, East Timor, Nigeria, South Africa, and Kuwait. The paper title from Udinus that is qualified, discussed the concept of portable weather station prototype and the utilization of artificial intelligence toward energy exploitation,” explained Andrew.
Meanwhile, the second paper entitled ‘Revolutionizing Climate Change: A Deep Dive into AI-Powered Solutions’ was able to obtain ‘The Best Paper of Applied Theory’ award. This paper was made by Tito.
Tito stated that there were some judging stages. Starting from the registration as well as the abstract selection, on October 26th until November 10th. Then, the finalists and international delegations were announced on November 17th, 2023. The competition continued with the Model United Nations (MUN) Forum on November 25th, followed by the last announcement on November 26th, 2023. Tito expressed his hope, “I am expecting that there will be a lot more Udinus students who are able to collaborate with research about climate change.”

Commenting on this achievement, Dr. Kusni Ingsih, M.M., felt proud of the achievement at the international paper competition that was held in Surabaya City, Indonesia. She hoped that with this recent attainment, students would be more encouraged to carve a lot more achievement whilst conveying their innovative ideas.
“Hopefully, students will have sufficient competitiveness in morality. Added by the skill to engage e in creating useful technology for the nearby environment,” she concluded. (Udinus Public Relation/Ika. Photo: Udinus PR)