In the current era of technological advancements, business opportunities are beginning to emerge, particularly in the field of programming and development. Upon seeing these opportunities, Risal Fajar Amiyardi, an alumnus from the Informatic Department at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) established his very own business, ‘Mahawira Digital Indonesia’.

Mahawira Digital Indonesia has been operating for a year. In establishing his business, Risal partnered with his two friends with the focus on developing custom apps for business owners and companies. Moreover, Risal mentioned that software developments aimed to improve the work performance and efficiency of client operations.

“We founded ‘Mahawira Digital Indonesia’ to help business owners and companies possessing technical difficulties with technological developments, particularly in implementing digitalization to take part in the developments,” Risal uttered.

The program developed by Risal’s company is fairly diverse. He could develop various apps for his clients in various platforms, including Android, iOS, and website. Through this successful business of his, Risal could gather millions of monthly turnovers.

“We offer apps depending on the consumers’ demands, and there is a discussion prior to developing the program. As for the monthly turnover, we could gather as high as Rp. 20 million.,” he continued.

After a whole year of developing his business, Risal stated that the most difficult obstacle to overcome was finding clients. However, he is still eager to continue his business as many companies need his services to digitalize their businesses in the current digital era.

“It is indeed hard to find clients, but we could overcome this obstacle by utilizing marketplace to offer our services,” Risa, who was born in 1998, explained.

For the time being, Risal hoped for his company to become even more successful, scoping the international audience. “In 2024, we would like to go international. In addition to clients from Indonesia, we will also offer our services to clients of the international community,” he hoped.

Risal revealed that before diving into the realm of professionalism, it is important for us to hold the mindset that one can essentially learn everything, particularly if the individual has more than sufficient resources, such as time and material. Then, he further added that this principle of his was crucial since the field of programming required the individual to constantly learn as technology became more advanced.

Furthermore, he admitted that he became motivated during his studies on campus, particularly in terms of business and communication. He revealed that the environment on campus could support him in participating in various contests, leading him to become more confident to publicly speak and communicate with prominent figures.

“To me, as long as we hold the status as a student, we should not ever be afraid to participate in various communities and establish relations with people of the same vision, as learning in classrooms is not enough for you to optimally learn,” Risal encouraged. (Humas Udinus/Ika. Foto: Dok. Pribadi)