Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) has officially tied a collaboration with the Central Java Police Department. The collaboration mainly encompassed data and information exchange in terms of the Tri Dharma philosophy, as well as resource utilization.
During the signing process of the Memorandum of Understanding, Prof. Dr. Ir. Edi Noersasongko, M.Kom, the Chancellor of Udinus, was present as the representative of Udinus. Meanwhile, the police department sent General Inspector Drs. Ahmad Luthfi, S.H., S.St., M.K., the Chief of the Central Java Police Department. The agreement was signed in the Police Chief Workroom located on the seventh floor of the Central Java Police Station on Wednesday, December 27th, 2023.
The agreement served as a step to improving the quality of resources and facilities of both parties. As stated by the regional police chief, this collaboration was expected to impact positively both parties. One of the examples of resource utilization by these two parties is the utilization of the Bhayangkara Hospital for the Medicine Faculty at Udinus.
“Through this collaboration, we hope to produce more professionals in implementing the Tri Dharma philosophy, which encompasses, education, research, and community service,” the police chief uttered.

In response, the chancellor expressed his gratitude and pride for being trusted by the Central Java Police Department. Furthermore, he revealed that Udinus had tied collaborations with police departments several times before and was successful in meeting the expectations. This collaboration was also expected to develop and improve the work programs of both parties.
“We will always be committed to maintaining this collaboration by conducting group research and resource utilization. Additionally, we will also conduct training for the academic community using the resource provided by the Central Java Police Department,” he explained.
“The resource utilization encompasses a learning program for students of the Medicine Faculty practicing in the Bhayangkara Hospital. Hopefully, this collaboration could run well and be successful,” the chancellor hoped.
On that occasion, Prof. Dr. Supriadi Rustad, M.Si. (Vice Chancellor I of the Academic Affairs), Prof. Dr. Pulung Nurtantio Andono, S.T., M.Kom. (Vice Chancellor IV of the Research and Partnership Affairs), Dr. dr. Hendriani Selina, SpS(K)., (the Dean of the Medicine Faculty), Dr. Ir. Dwi Eko Waluyo (the Head of the Partnership and International Affairs Institution at Udinus). Additionally, several prominent figures also made an appearance at the agreement, including dr. Khusnan Marzuki, M.M. (the Grand Commissioner of the Police Department) and Prof. Awaloedin Djamin alongside other staff members from the Bhayangkara Hospital.
In the previous month, Udinus has also tied a partnership with the National Police Department. The agreement was marked by the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding of both parties. It mainly encompassed data utilization and exchange, educational programs, assessment, research, community service, and institutional development. In addition, the agreement also committed to implementing the Independent Campus program. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Humas Udinus)