Preparing students for their future careers involves instilling ethics in the professional realm. To fulfill that, the Bachelor of Communication Science held an event called Professional Dialogue Career (Procage) 2023.

Held on Friday, November 24th, 2023, in the third building of E Building Udinus, Semarang, the seminar focused on two key topics: ethics in the professional field and crafting an effective curriculum vitae (CV). Zahrotul Umami, M.I.Kom., as a lecturer of Udinus’ Communication Science a lecturer in Communication Science at Udinus with over 20 years of experience in Marketing Communications (Marcom) and branding, explained about professional ethics. On that occasion, she emphasized the importance of ethics and integrity in the professional world.

“Integrity serves someone’s quality of honesty with strong moral principles. Just be honest even whether the outcome is right or wrong and admit our mistakes. Developing integrity from a young age is crucial as it helps us gain acceptance in the professional world,” She uttered.

Umami also explained the method of how to improve personal branding which is by knowing ourselves and building resilience or self-potential. There are 7 things that are needed to build resilience including competence, confidence, connection, character, contribution, coping, and control.

Bu Yo Saat Memberikan Materi Etika Profesional di Procage 2023

Additionally, Yova Beltz, commonly known as 'Madam Yo,' presented the second segment on crafting a CV. She revealed personal curriculum vitae has to be made based on our career goals. Besides that, there are three types of CV such as chronological, functional, and combination. A chronological CV consists of ordered-list of experiences from the newest to the oldest experience. On the other hand, Functional is focused on personal skills. While the combination is compiling all types into one.

“A chronological CV is ideal for those seeking a job or internship. If someone has been unemployed for a while or is looking for new positions, a functional CV is recommended. Meanwhile, the combination CV suits individuals with extensive experience and high skills,” said Yoya.

She also shared several tips and tricks for using the ‘STAR’ method when undergoing a job interview. This technique helps us answer questions based on the situation or task, action, and result.

Devi Purnamasari S.Kom., M.I.Kom., as the Career Guidance Coordinator as well as the lecturer in the Business Communication Course who’s also involved in conducting this activity, hoped that students would always be vibrance in gaining knowledge toward the professional world.

“We encourage students not to limit their learning to this point but to continually seek different perspectives to enhance their careers. Moreover, I remind you to follow the tips and tricks given by the two of the best speakers before,” she concluded. (Udinus Pubic Relation/ Ika. Photo: Udinus PR)