Communication Science Students from Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) encourage youth generations to be more confidence and apply self-love. This encouragement was conveyed through an event called ‘Eternal Beauty Project’ which was held on Saturday, 16 December 2023.
The event took place on the third floor of the E Building at Udinus Semarang. It was one of the course outputs of the Event Organizer (EO) course, which is a learning subject that requires students to manage an activity that involves various parties.
The ‘Eternal Beauty Project’ event was divided into two main sessions, namely the seminar on mental health and make up class. During the seminar session, Kholida, S.Psi., M.Kes., M.Psi., was chosen to be a speaker. She is a psychologist as well as the Co-Founder of LPPT OASE Indonesia. In addition, she brought a material themed on ‘Embracing Self Love: Your Key to Confidence, Stress Management, and Personal Growth’.
Based on her presentation, Ninin explained about mental health including the efforts of self-acceptance, particularly during the transitional age of adolescence. For some people, entering the age of 20 or above is hard as the expectations that they hold are getting heavier and heavier. Those expectations come from themselves or other people such as family and nearby environment. Because of these expectations, it is important to be aware of what we should do to prevent things that we avoid.
The Chief Executive of the event, Najma Fadhila also added that this seminar aims to educate students regarding mental health. Some things that can be done such as recognizing signs and body language. Responding to natural warning 'alarms', accepting reality, creating safe boundaries, responding appropriately, and making a priority list.
“Melalui seminar ini kami diajarkan bahwa seseorang akan menemukan makna hidup ketika sudah mengalami fase-fase berat hingga di titik penerimaan. Melalui narasumber yang hadir kita diajak untuk tidak mengkhawatirkan hal yang belum terjadi, dan jangan menyesali yang sudah berlalu. Perjalanan sukses kita dimulai dari penerimaan,” tegasnya.

After the seminar session, the event continued with a make-up class which was attended by the Brand Ambassador Wardah in Semarang City, Syifa Bilqisthi. Emphasizing the theme ‘Happy Cherry Make-up Look’, the goal of the event was to ask participants to appear fresher in performing daily activities. By doing so, it may boost our confidence.
Najma encouraged participants to be more aware of mental health and can live their days more lightly and happily. By doing so, students can foster self-confidence and personal beauty whether it is from inside or from outside.
"It took one and a half months to prepare this EO output. Moreover, this learning activity would not be able to be held if it wasn’t because of the cooperation of all Communication Science Students who were involved," he said.
Vice Head of the Communication Science Program, Mutia Rahmi Pratiwi, M.I.Kom., stated that this EO output is a forum for students to practice the knowledge that has been learned in the classroom. As one of the courses in the Bachelor of Communication Science Program, students are required to be active and complete this course, preparing themselves before entering the professional world.
"Through this course subject, students are taught to build relationships, both with speakers and with all participants. As well as presenting positive activities that are able to educate students from various aspects," he concluded. (Udinus Public Relations/Ika. Photo: Doc. Wartadinus)