Student Organizations from Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) earned six awards at the 2023 Abdidaya Ormawa. This award show took place at the Night of Culmination at Universitas Jember, East Java, on December 9th, 2023.
The award for the implementation of the Student Organization Capacity Strengthening Program (PPKO) was divided into various categories. Additionally, the Student Executives of the Computer Science Faculty at Udinus were awarded the Most Informative Category, and the Student Council Representatives of the Computer Science at Udinus also received an award in the category of Most Innovative Work Management. Furthermore, the Environmental Health Student Association was also bestowed an award in the Most Innovative Technology and Solution category. Whereas, the Visual Communication Design Bureau at Udinus Kediri earned an award in the Most Collaborative Student Organization.
Galuh Wilujeng Saraswati, M.Cs., the Person in Charge for the PPKO, explained that there were several assessment criteria in the award show, including documents, program presentations, and interviewing sessions for each team. During the presentation, each student organization must showcase its roadmap poster and the scheme for the coaching process.
“In the interviewing session, the assessment team conducted a validation regarding the involvement done by the student organization and the university during their participation in the Abdidaya program. During the assessment process, we also conducted strict assistance for all participating student organizations,” she revealed.
As for the level of instructors and supporting elements, Udinus received different awards. These include two prizes for the Most Active Instructor category awarded to Filmada Ocky Saputra, S.T., M.Eng. Also, they won the Best Campus Supporting System award in the category of the University with the Most Powerful Sustainable Embryo.
Dr. Rindra Yusianto, S.Kom., the Head of the Student Affairs Bureau at Udinus, added that the campus had proved itself to best supporting element, as it could provide students a supportive system in managing their organizations efficiently, giving the best access to information and communication, and supporting initiative of student organizations through advanced technology.
“Through this support, we would like to strengthen the capacity of student organizations to innovate and develop. Furthermore, we will also provide the best support possible to turn our students into the agents of change for our nation,” he uttered.
In response to the achievement, Dr. Kusni Ingsih, M.M., the Vice Chancellor III of Student Affairs, expressed her utmost pride for the accomplishments garnered by the student organizations at Udinus this year, leading to a major improvement. Hopefully, these accomplishments could motivate other student organizations to run the same program.
“In addition to making a name for our campus nationally, Abdidaya could also push our students to contribute to the economics and technological sector in underprivileged villages,” she uttered.
Abdidaya Ormawa is an event initiated by the Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs and the Directorate General of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education. It mainly aims to give a platform for student organizations to emerge their latent potential in various communities. In the implementation of this program, the campus holds the role of the supporting element and pushes students to actively participate in resolving the problems surrounding the public. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Dok. Bima Udinus)