The participants of the Independence Student Exchange (ISE) Inbound Program from Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) enhance literacy related to the dangers of drugs and non-communicable diseases. The literacy discussion, which was attended by 26 students, was given to teenagers at the Rumah Damai Foundation in Semarang.

Education about non-communicable diseases provided by ISE Udinus students consists of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and cholesterol. On the other hand, the literacy toward the dangers of drugs focuses on the legal aspects. In addition, the Rumah Damai Foundation is a Christian drug rehabilitation center that provides healing, recovery, and improvement of social skills for drug addicts, juvenile delinquents, and autistic people. The social contribution, which is given entirely by the students, carries the theme 'Being an Active, Productive, and Innovative Student in Society'.

Nusantara Module lecturer from Udinus, Fitria Dewi Puspita Anggraini, SKM, M.Sc., explained that this social contribution activity was a step to provide education to all residents at the Rumah Damai Semarang Foundation. In addition, the event also provides an opportunity for students to not only study infectious diseases theoretically. But they can also learn the practice in the community.

Dozens of inbound students at Dian Nuswantoro University from 21 different universities also organized an Integrated Development Post called Posbindu for Non-Communicable Diseases.

"We want students to be able to apply their knowledge that they have gained to solve problems at Rumah Damai Foundation. Additionally, we are hoping that the small things we do here can provide additional knowledge for the residents of the foundation," said Fitria Dewi.

In addition to providing material, sharing sessions with the residents of the foundation were also held at the event. Various stories from them when they got into drugs or juvenile delinquency were also conveyed as material for sharing discussion. One of the teenagers at the Rumah Damai Foundation in Semarang said, there is not a single benefit gained from getting into drugs.

Various negative impacts were experienced by those who fall into the dark abyss of drugs. From material loss, health loss, loss of relationships, ostracization or stigma from the community, and loss of work and future.

"Hopefully no one will fall into consuming drugs again, we have the opportunity to share with you so that you can know the magnitude of the loss from knowing drugs," Jeremiah said.

Various basic necessities of Yayasan Rumah Damai Semarang with a total of 52 items were symbolically handed over. This assistance was symbolically handed over by I Ketut Mahendra Pradinatha as the Head of PMM Class Group 1 to Jeremia Siahaan as Mentor and a representative of the Rumah Damai Foundation management. The number also reflects the number of PMM 3 students who are currently inbound at Udinus.

The Independence Student Exchange (ISE) Program itself is part of the Independence Learning Campus Program known as MBKM. The program is in the form of student exchanges from various universities under the coordination of the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology. (Udinus Public Relations/Alex. Photo: Udinus Public Relations)