Student Organizations (SO) and Student Activity Units (SAU) include a platform for student to improve their interests, talents, and skills in non-academic fields. Currently, Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) has more than 70 Student organizations and units that can be participated by students.

One interesting story came from one of the student Activity Units (SAU) which first formed at the off-main campus in Kediri, Indonesia. This Unit is named Raganyala Udinus Kediri and consists of Undergraduate students of the Visual and Communication Design Program at Udinus Kediri Campus.

During the celebration of the first anniversary, the head of the Raganyala Unit, Mohammad Sri Krisna Daryono Putra, reported that this unit had made a lot of achievements considering that Raganyala was formed recently on November 25th, 2022.

Mohammad Sri Krisna Daryono Putra, better known as ‘Putra’ revealed that the Raganyala unit becomes one of the inspirations in the campus environment, particularly in shaping students full of talent and creativity in visual arts. On some occasions, several members of the Raganyala unit brought the name of their alma mater participating in competitions and winning them.

“Raganyala Unit had won several competitions. Such as becoming the first winner in 2022 Cultural Heritage at Kediri City. In that competition, our team made a vlog video with the theme of “Cultural heritage at Kediri,” explained Putra.

Furthermore, the Raganyala unit had also become the champion of Cica Documenter Film. Cica is abbreviated from Cipta, Inspirasi, Cita, and Asa, which means Ideas, Inspirations, goals, and wishes. Not only that, the Raganyala unit also took second place in the 2023 Creative Video Competition, which was hosted by a university in Surabaya City. The award, with the theme of ‘Beauty Among Technology’ was taken by Rayhan as the representative of the Raganyala Unit.

All of these achievements are the embodiment of students utilizing organizations and units properly. “Every activity in Raganyala Unit are platform for members to exchange their experience and knowledge, it all includes workshops to screening film activity,” said Putra.

Putra, who serves as the Head of the Raganyala Unit, revealed that annual film production is one of Raganyala’s work programs. “Currently, Raganyala has a total of 60 members. I’m hoping that this unit can keep evolving and becoming a platform that encourages its members to explore their talent and creativity. Raganyala is expected to be able to have a positive impact on its surroundings,” hoped Putra.

Recently on Saturday, November 25th, 2023, the Raganyala Unit of Udinus Kediri celebrated its first anniversary. The event was celebrated by 100 attendants including students and several guests both offline and online. In addition, there were a series of activities such as a workshop, art performance, live music, and a screening film entitled ‘Bakar Layar.’ Hence, the film was appointed as the material during the discussion session and film breakdown with well-experienced speakers in the world of cinema. (Udinus Public Relation/Ika. Photo: Udinus PR)