The Community Service Team of the Engineering Faculty at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) designed a Portable Tracing Table. The device serves as a supporting device for the Batik Certification Profession Institution (LSP). (Wednesday, November 29th, 2023)

The device developed by the Community Service Team of the Engineering Faculty could handle various problems within the Batik LSP, particularly in conducting a Competence Test and developing partnership prospects. The team consisted of four faculty members of the Engineering Faculty, including Ir. Amalia, M.T., IPM, Asean Eng, Dewa K. W., S.T., M.Sc., Dr. Ir. Rudi Tjahyono, and Safarudin R. S.T., M.T. During the development process, they also involved two students, namely Mahfud Afandi and Arokib Darjat Saputra.

Ir. Amalia, M.T., IPM, the team leader, explained that the Portable Tracing Table device possessed a portability feature, making it easy for mobility, particularly when conducting a test outside the LSP. Additionally, she also revealed that tracing tables in the institution were static, heavy, and limited in number; thus, they could not be brought outside.\

“We offer a solution to further develop this device to support the conduction of the competence test at TUK, particularly in the motif tracing scheme. This is because this device could simplify various LSP tests,” she explained.

Dr. Ir. Rudi Tjahyono, one of the team members, added that the device had been handed and socialized to a partner at Tambak Aji Raya St. No. 1, Ngaliyan Sub-district, Semarang. Meanwhile, a public test has also been conducted at the same time as the competence test at several universities in Semarang.

“Hopefully, this device could serve as a technological breakthrough for batik LSPs,” he hoped.

During the socialization process, several representatives from the P3 Batik LSP were present, including Dr. Ir. Rodia Syamwii, M.Pd. (the Head of the Institution), Ir. Muhammad Saleh, M.Si. (the Head of Qualification Affairs at the Batik LSP), and Ike Agustina, M. Psi. (the Head of Certification Affairs at the Batik LSP). Several prominent figures, namely Andjar Sukisuti (the Head of Financial Affairs at the Batik LSP), Damar Absoro (the Head of Administration Affairs at the Batik LSP), and Abdul Kholiq (the owner of Batik Gemawang Enterprise) also made an appearance.

Meanwhile, Udinus also sent several representatives, including Ir. Amalia, M.T., IPM, Asean Eng., Dewa Kusuma W., M.Sc., Dr. Rudi Tjahyono, Safarudin Ramdhani, M.T., Dr. Herwin Suprijono, Ridwan Hartono Dipl.Wi-ing, Dedi Nurcipto, M.T., Chico Eka Pramudita, S.T., and Arokib Darjat. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Humas Udinus)