Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) hosted a seminar concerning Muslim Women's Empowerment featuring three inspirational speakers on the seventh floor of the H building. 

The event held by the Matholi’ul Anwar Islamic Unit at Udinus invited the owner of Hiartsy Fashion, who was also a former member of the Islamic unit known as Lochahita Widya Gunawan. Additionally, they also featured Etu Rimawati, SKM, M.Kes., a faculty member, and Imas Fatimah Zahro, an educator from Al-Ihsan Islamic Boarding School, Lirboyo, Kediri. 

Wahidah Nursafiah, the Head of the Committee, explained that the seminar themed ‘Becoming an Independent, Productive, and Inspirational Muslim Woman in the Millenium Era.’ With a total of 100 participants, the seminar aimed to serve as a platform for Muslim women to explore their latent potential and knowledge.

“This seminar is an annual agenda presented by the Islamic Unit. In addition to students, we are also committed to encouraging older women to learn about the development of Muslim women in the millennium era,” she explained. 

“During their explanation, those three speakers shared their experiences and motivated the audience. On the same occasion, all participants were also allowed to engage in a Q&A session,” Wahidah added.

GIVING A LEARNING MATERIAL: Eti Rimawati discussing the learning material with the audience in the Auditorium located on the seventh floor of the H building

Meanwhile, Valentina Widya S, S.S., M.Hum., the Head of the Talent and Interest Agency at Udinus, hoped for the event to be routinely hosted as it could essentially benefit all parties involved. According to her, the theme of this seminar was fairy relevant to the current era. 

“The Student Affairs Bureau will always be committed to pushing our students to host positive events similar to this one. This is because this event does not only benefit the audience but also the committee, particularly in honing their soft skills ,” she concluded. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Dok. BAI Udinus)

FOTO BERSAMA: Seluru peserta Seminar Kemuslimahan berfoto dengan seluruh narasumber dan panitia acara, di aula auditorium gedung H lantai 7
GROUP PHOTO: Seluru peserta Seminar Kemuslimahan berfoto dengan seluruh narasumber dan panitia acara, di aula auditorium gedung H lantai 7