Mental health is an issue that has attracted much attention in various circles of society, including students. As done by the undergraduate students of Communication Science (Ilkom) of Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) in a campaign entitled 'Mental Health Matters (METTA)', the purpose of providing a platform to the public community.
The campaign, which is the output of the Public Relations course, was designed to help individuals express and understand the various emotions that they are feeling. With the theme 'Better Together, Do Your Share', the activity took place at Taman Indonesia Kaya (TIK) on December 28-29, 2023.
This event aimed to provide support to individuals experiencing mental issues or emotional difficulties. This is because not everyone can defeat their negative emotions. The Chief Executive, Mahdi Mahdavikia said the campaign segmentation was specifically aimed at teenagers ranging from the age of 17-23 years old.
“Sebanyak 50 peserta dengan sekolah menengah atas dan mahasiswa mengikuti kegiatan ini. Teknisnya, para peserta diajak untuk memahami bentuk-bentuk emosi yang diibaratkan seperti warna. Misalnya, bahagia dengan warna kuning, dan sebagainya. Kemudian, mengungkapkannya dengan melukis pada gabus yang sudah disediakan,” jelasnya.+

Furthermore, Mahdavikia revealed that the campaign was carried out inside and outside the campus environment. On campus, the campaign took place in the food court of the Computer Science Faculty (CSF). Meanwhile, outside the campus, the campaign was held at Taman Indonesia Kaya (TIK). This campaign is a step to accommodate everyone in expressing and managing emotions healthily, which is also a positive step in maintaining mental well-being.
"Hopefully, after participating in this activity, participants can increase awareness to understand all forms of emotions and their feelings. With this, they can make the right choice to process their feelings, so that they do not choose the wrong path," he concluded. (Udinus Public Relations/Ika. Photo: Doc. Committee) awareness untuk memahami segala bentuk emosi dan perasaan mereka. Dengan hal ini, mereka dapat menentukan pilihan yang tepat untuk memproses perasaannya, sehingga tidak memilih jalan yang salah,” tutupnya. (Humas Udinus/Ika. Foto: Dok. Panitia)