Presenters and news writers in the public media are some of the most popular talents of interest for the young generation. In an effort to hone students' skills, Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) through Commdise 5.0 conducted a competition intended for high school and vocational school students as well as the general public. 

The competition is a series of Dinusfest 2024 events which is initiated by the Student Association of Communication Science. The event took place on the 3rd floor of the E building, precisely in the TVKU Studio including the hall of the E Building. The competition was participated by approximately 31 participants, and it lasted for 2 days starting on Friday (26/01/2024). 

The Chairperson of the Competition, Ni Nyoman Ayu Kemala Komang explained that the competition was divided into two categories because it was considered to be the realm of communication science. For the mechanism of the news anchor competition, participants will read the script that has been prepared by the committee. With a duration of 5 minutes, participants will perform and be judged by the jury.

“Kami bekerja sama dengan TVKU untuk fasilitas studio, agar peserta bisa merasakan atmosfer menjadi pembawa acara seperti di dunia profesional. Peserta yang berada di studio akan ditampilkan secara langsung di aula E.3 dan dinilai oleh Juri,” terangnya. 

Commdise 5.0 Kembangkan Minat Bakat Pelajar di Bidang Media
LIVE PRACTICE: One of Commdise 5.0 participants presented to be a news anchor in the TVKU studio, on 2nd floor of E Building Udinus
Unique Mechanisms

Nyoman added that the jury involved are lecturers and practitioners from the mass media. On the first day, all news anchor participants will appear one by one and the winner will be announced the next day. 

"One of the unique things in this event, all activities on the first day are materials for other participants from different categories, namely press releases. So all participants in this competition category must conduct interviews between the activities," she added.

“This year's 'commdise' event has changed from previous years to focus more on stand-up comedy. On current occasion, we are focusing on news anchors and press releases because of the high interest that they have as well as aligning with the concentration course in the Communication Science Program at Udinus," Nyoman concluded.

The competition is available not only for students but there are dozens of other contests for college students and the general public as well. In total, 36 competitions are opened which will run for more than 2 weeks, starting from January 20 until the upcoming February 5, 2024. High school students who seek additional information about the 2024 Dinusfest activities can browse through the official website at (PR Udinus/Haris. Photo: Dok. Humas)