Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) encouraged high school students to push their critical thinking skills to a greater extent through the 2024 Debate Competition Biomedical Engineering (D’Combe). The event took place in the multi-purpose room on the first floor of the D building from January 23rd to 24th, 2024.
D’Combe, which was a part of the 2024 Dinusfest, was initiated by the Biomedical Engineering Student Association at Udinus. The event was themed ‘The Utilization of Artificial Intelligence in the Medical Field.’ Several teams consisting of three members each sparked a grand enthusiasm at the event. This was evident by the fact that some teams engaged in a debate against each other.
As stated by the head of the committee, Sulthanah Ula Hanifah, participants had to undergo a few phases. Those phases started with the elimination phase on the first day. On the following day, participants would later make their way to the semi-final and the final phases.
“In every phase, every team must undergo two sessions, namely, the argument session, which lasts 18 minutes. Meanwhile, in the second session, every team is obliged to sum up the previously argued points within a minute and a half,” she explained.
“As for the assessment, judges will see the fluency of the debaters in discussing the topic and the understanding of the debaters concerning the topic. In addition, the response and content of the debate are also among the aspects being judged at the competition,” she added.
There were also several judges attending the event, including Dr. Drs. Slamet Isworo, M.Kes. (the Head of the Environmental Health Department), Sari Ayu Wulandari, S.T., M.Eng. (a faculty member of the Biomedical Engineering Department), and other practitioners.

Introduction to Medical Technologies
The 2023 D’Combe served as one of many events of Dinusfest. At this competition, every team would strive to be the champion and garner the best speaker title. The champions would later be rewarded with certificates, funding, and trophies.
“Hopefully, D’Combe could serve as a platform for high school students to understand more deeply concerning medical technologies. This is because medical technologies will always significantly improve over time. Moreover, through this event, we can also introduce high school students to the field of Biomedical Engineering,” Sulthanah Ula concluded.
The competition is available not only for students but there are dozens of other contests for college students and the general public. In total, 36 competitions are opened which will run for more than 2 weeks, starting from January 20 until the upcoming February 5, 2024. High school students who seek additional information about the 2024 Dinusfest activities can browse through the official website on https://festival.dinus.ac.id/. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Wartadinus)