A Smart Home is a practical technology that allows individuals to carry out daily tasks easily, particularly in the current digital era. In response to this phenomenon, Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) hosted the Dinus Electrical Competition (Delcom) to facilitate high school students in conveying ideas and innovations.
Delcom, which was a part of the 2024 Dinusfest, was initiated by the Electrical Engineering Student Association (HMTE). The event was themed ‘Innovation of Smart Home and Global Climate Change for The Society 5.0 Era.’ Additionally, there were 2 subthemes at the event, namely, Smart Home and Global Climate. The event was divided into two stages with the preliminary being the first one. Following the preliminary stage, the chosen team would later compete in the final stage taking place in the Auditorium on the seventh floor of the H building. The final stage was hosted on Wednesday, January 24th, 2024.
Scientific Paper
Abdullah Fais Murthando, the Head of the Committee, explained that the event was held in the form of a group scientific paper competition. Each team consisted of two students and a teacher. In the preliminary stage, participants sent their proposals through an online platform.
“Following that, the committee and judges would review the proposals and choose the top ten proposals. In the final stage, the participants submitting those ten proposals would present their works and show their prototypes before the judges,” he explained.
“Through this event, we would like to push high school students to expand their innovative and creative minds. Additionally, we are also committed to contributing to the development of these students in putting their ideas on their scientific papers,” he uttered.
Delcom was participated by many participants coming from various schools in Central Java. Those schools were SMK Diponegoro Juwana, SMK N 2 Pati, SMK Negeri Jawa Tengah, SMA N 3 Semarang, SMA N 1 Padamara, and SMK N1 Jepara.
This competition aimed to push students to be more passionate and motivated in producing creative ideas, allowing them to bring innovations in the era of advancements.
Moreover, several contests aimed at college students and the public were also hosted at the 2024 Dinusfest. A total of 36 contests will last for two weeks, from January 20th to February 5th, 2024. For those seeking information concerning the 2024 Dinusfest, you can visit our website at https://festival.dinus.ac.id/. (Humas Udinus/Ika. Foto: Humas Udinus)