Technological Advancements in the globalization era and industrial development have currently garnered a spotlight. The application and integration of eco-friendly energy or Green Energy must be put into consideration. In response to this phenomenon, the Dinus Innovation Design Community (DID.Co) at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro Udinus) held the Dinus Poster Competition (Dipost).
The 2024 Dipost, which was a part of the 2024 Dinusfest, took place on Monday, January 22nd, 2024, on the seventh floor of H building. Using the theme ‘Innovative Technologies Revolutionizing Industrial Green Energy,’ DID.Co provided an opportunity for high school students to convey their genius ideas through posters.
As stated by the head of the committee, Aminudin Hifdzur Ra’uf, the poster would later be presented by a team consisting of three students. At the competition, there were a total of six teams coming from various high schools, including SMA N 1 Salatiga, SMK N 1 Semarang, SMKN Telekomunikasi Tunas Harapan, and SMA N 4 Denpasar.
“There were six teams participating in the 2024 Dipost, with four teams presenting their works offline, while two others through an online platform. These online participants mainly came from other provinces, one of which was Bali,” he explained
Furthermore, Amin also mentioned that the 2024 Dipost was the first time for DID.Co to directly take part in the Dinusfest.
“This is our initial debut in taking part in the Dinusfest. Hopefully, we will be able to get more participants in the years to come,” he hoped.

Several Aspects of Judging
There were several aspects being judged at the event, including originality, relevance with theme, visualization, and education. The assessment will be conducted by a judge, namely, Dony Satrio, the instructor of DID.Co.
“The assessment also includes presentations from both offline and online participants. Those aspects hold their own weight. Thus, the presentation can be further refined,” he explained.
Dony Satrio also hoped for this event to push the creativity possessed by students to a greater extent. “Hopefully, this competition could improve your creativity, both in terms of design and idea,” he concluded
The competition is available not only for students but there are dozens of other contests for college students and the general public. In total, 36 competitions are opened which will run for more than 2 weeks, starting from January 20 until the upcoming February 5, 2024. High school students who seek additional information about the 2024 Dinusfest activities can browse through the official website on (Humas Udinus/Ika. Foto: Dok. DID.Co)