Currently, the term Quantum Computing sounds unfamiliar to Indonesian People. However, this issue becomes a motivation for Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) to start exploring and understanding Quantum Computing. The computing method is represented by quantum computing, as explained by Vice-Chancellor I for Academic Affairs of Udinus, Prof. Dr. Supriadi Rustad, MSi.

In general, its development is still dominated by developed countries in the world. In Indonesia itself, the Quantum Computing trend has risen and several universities in Indonesia have now begun to learn it.

The workshop seminar was initiated by the Research Center for Materials Informatics at Udinus. Encouraging students and lecturers from the postgraduate of the Computer Science Program to explore the field of Quantum Computing. The event took place in the Theater Hall of I building Udinus., on Wednesday (01/10/2023).

On that occasion, the exploration started with an in-depth explanation of Quantum Computing, its development, function, and application. For now, this method can solve complex problems faster than ordinary computers.

The Vice-Chancellor I for Academic Affairs of Udinus, Prof. Dr. Supriadi Rustad, MSi, said that Quantum Computing is a new thing. Currently, Udinus lecturers and students are deeply learning this method. Basically, this method consists of computer science aspects such as physics and mathematics that utilize quantum mechanics. Presently, the material on Quantum Computing has been tested in regular lectures at the Faculty of Computer Science (FIK) Udinus for one semester.

“As the Udinus Research Center for Materials Informatics team, we have studied and explored Quantum Computing for approximately 1 year. With its fast growth, Quantum Computing can be utilized to enhance the solving of optimization problems," said Prof. Dr. Supriadi Rustad, M.Sc.

The study on Quantum Computing covers application and hardware development, Due to its utilization of the phenomenon of superposition and quantum interference.

“If we look at the working process, Quantum computers work very differently from classical or ordinary computers. If a regular computer uses bits in the 0 or 1 state, the quantum computer uses qubits which can be 0, 1, or both at once," explained the vice-chancellor.

Dosen hingga Mahasiswa Udinus Pelajari Komputasi Kuantum untuk Terapkan Teknologi Masa Depan
SHARING KNOWLEDGE: Vice-Chancellor I Prof Supriadi Rustad delivered the material to the attendants in the Theater Hall at the I Buiding Udinus.

Becoming the First University

The workshop seminar on Quantum Computing entitled 'Dinus Quantum Technology Initiative.' was held in the Theater Room of the I Building on the 6th floor at Udinus. The seminar was held for two days on January 10-11, 2024.

Besides, Prof. Dr. Supriadi Rustad, M.Si, who also delivered a material at the workshop on Quantum Computing. There were two other lecturers, namely Dr. T Sutojo and Dr. Muhamad Akrom. Currently, Udinus is the first university in Central Java to learn about Quantum Computing.

In his remarks, the Dean of Udinus Computer Faculty, Dr. Abdul Syukur appreciated the performance of the Research Center for Materials Informatics team which has transmitted the knowledge about Quantum Computing which is a new thing in Indonesia.

"We hope that Quantum Computing Science can be developed and learned by Udinus students in the future. The hard work from the Research Center for Materials Informatics team deserves a big thumbs up," said Abdul. (Udinus Public Relation/Alex. Photo: PR Udinus)

FOTO BERSAMA, Dosen dan Mahasiswa peserta lokakarya tentang Komputasi Kuantum foto bersama sebelum mengikuti kegiatan
GROUP PHOTO: Students and Lecturers as the Seminar Participants Prior the Activity A group photo of Lecturers and students participating in the workshop before participating in the activity.