Committed to aligning all the social media accounts, Public Relations, and Protocol coordinated with all divisions at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus). The coordination meeting was hosted in the form of a group discussion in the multi-purpose room on the first floor of the D building on Tuesday, January 2nd, 2024.
The meeting was moderated by Dwi Utaminingsih, S.Kom., M.M., the Head of Public Relations and Protocol at Udinus. It was attended by 28 participants serving as representatives of all 14 divisions, both at the faculty and university levels.
“This meeting will be a good new start for the years to come in aligning social media interface in the campus scope. The alignments encompass colors, design, and the content itself,” she uttered.
The conditions of the alignments were summed in the form of a guidebook entitled Graphic Standard Manual (GSM). Nining further added that GSM had always existed, and it was reintroduced in this meeting to all attending divisions. In addition to GSM, Public Relations would also tighten the communication between divisions concerning social media content.
“Every division can consult us anytime. We did this to make our content appear more consistently and be curated,” Nining added.

In total, there were fourteen divisions on campus attending the meeting, including the Partnership and International Affairs Institution, the Center of Excellence Institution, the Academic Bureau, the Student Affairs Bureau, the Admission Bureau, the Library, the Udinus Career Center, and the Udinus Campus Television Station (TVKU), as well as all six faculties at Udinus.
On that occasion, Anisa Larassati, S.S, M.Ling., a Public Relations representative from the Humanities Faculty, shared her experience in maintaining the social media account owned by the faculty. Before attending this meeting, the concept of GSM was foreign to her.
“This meeting is helpful to me, particularly in improving the content quality, which will eventually attract students to follow the faculty’s social media account,” she uttered. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Humas Udinus)