Students Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) held a 'Normalize Berkebaya' Campaign to introduce the use of kebaya as traditional clothes to the younger generation. The event was an output of the Public Relations Course of the Bachelor of Communication Science Program at Udinus. It took place in the Campus area and the Old City of Semarang Region, Indonesia. 

As one of the organizers, Berliana Putri explained that the project carried the name ‘Rona Kebaya'. Kebaya was chosen because it is an Indonesian customary dress that experienced significant development. Furthermore, Kebaya is considered to be one of the traditional clothes whose type and shape continue to follow the era. 

"Kebaya is also identical to represent the elegance of Indonesian women. In this campaign, we are targeting women around the campus and the Old City of Semarang," explained Berliana. 

Various Rona Kebaya activities cover Q&A sessions with the general public. The purpose of the Q&A was to find out the public opinions regarding the use of kebaya in everyday life. In that session, some people stated that kebaya was not only worn on special occasions.

"We also invite the local community to express their expectations about the use of kebaya. On average, they hope that kebaya can be more freely worn anywhere. Moreover, the modern kebaya theme is a lot more comfortable to wear, and the younger generation can get more familiar with this traditional attire," She went on. 

"We believe that by launching this campaign, the younger generation will be more aware of and concerned for the local cultural legacy. If it's not them, then who else will continue to pass it down to the next generation," hoped Berliana along with all campaign members.

BERIKAN KAMPANYE: Mahasiswa Udinus terjun ke masyarakat ajak lestarikan kebaya sebagai baju adat
SHARING CAMPAIGN: Udinus Students encourage the local community to preserve Kebaya as traditional clothes

The Public Relations Course Coordinator of Udinus, Heni Indrayani, MIKom, explained that the output of the course was an effort to hone students' soft skills. She stated that all students from the undergraduate program under the auspices of the Faculty of Computer Science (FCS) Udinus are required to hold a campaign as a final assignment. 

“This final task is their chance to practice directly in the community. It is anticipated that the campaign will benefit the community as well," uttered Heni Indrayani. (PR Udinus/Haris. Photo: Doc. Students of Communication Science)