Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) will hold the 2024 Dinusfest at the beginning of January, and registration has been open. The 2024 Dinusfest will be a spectacular event to hone the personal skills and abilities of all high school and college students in Indonesia.

The event will feature dozens of different contests, including arts, sports, and technology. At the event, there will also be various routine expos and webinars hosted by the campus. Not only will there be contests for high school students, but there will also be dozens of other contests aimed at both college students and the public. With a total of 36 different contests, the whole event will span two weeks from January 20th to February 5th, 2024.

Beberapa pelajar mengikuti salah satu lomba satu tahun silam di Dinusfest 2023
Developing the Competitive Mindset: Several students participating in a contest at the 2023 Dinusfest

Those events have essentially become an annual agenda for the campus, which encompass the Dinus Application Competition (DINACOM), DN Robotic Competition, Loptasiku, Dinus E-Sport Championship, and Dinus Chess Competition 4.0. In addition to those five events, the 2024 Dinusfest will also feature an additional event, namely, the Age-grouped Table Tennis League.

Serving as a Platform for Students to Unleash Their Latent Creativity

Dr. Kusni Ingsih, M.M., the Vice Chancellor III of Student Affairs, stated that those events were hosted in an attempt for the campus to lure students to showcase their creativity. She further elaborated that this event would also potentially develop the competitive mindset possessed by students, leading to students showing their true talents on the national level.

“In addition to trophies, we will also reward scholarships and funding for those who would like to participate in more than 36 contests in the high school category. These scholarships may benefit them to continue their studies here at Udinus in whichever faculty they are interested in,” Kusni revealed.

“Every participant indeed aims for the best possible results in the competitions. Through these competitions, students will eventually understand that winning or losing is only a part of the game. This very concept of winning or losing may trigger their competitive mindset to emerge and continue to become the best. Furthermore, we will also award the winning students with scholarships and other gifts,” she further continued.

Dinusfest, which is an acronym for Dinus Festival, was initially hosted in 2015. For high school students wanting to showcase their capabilities at the 2024 Dinusfest, you can click this link, https://festival.dinus.ac.id/, for further information. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Dok. Dinusfest 2023)