Having the skills to understand Kanji Letters, a Student in the Japanese Literature Program Became a Champion at the National Level

Having the skills to understand Kanji Letters, a Student in the Japanese Literature Program Became a Champion at the National Level

Showing off his skills in understanding Kanji, a student of Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus), Mohammad Fauzi managed to compete in the national championship. Fauzi, an undergraduate student in the Japanese Literature Program, won 2nd place in the 'Kanji Takai' competition a few weeks ago. 

The championship, which was attended by 20 participants across Indonesia, was organized by Isshoni Tanoshimimashou (IT) 18. The event was held online through Zoom and Quizizz platforms. “During the event, participants were tested for their abilities around kanji letters with intermediate levels or chuukyuu, starting from N3 to N2,” explained Fauzi when he was interviewed by Udinus Public Relations team. 

In detail, those materials consist of kanji knowledge, how to read kanji, how to write kanji, parts of kanji, antonyms, and synonyms of kanji, and vocabulary levels N3-N2. Fauzi said several requirements and competition regulations must be prepared. 

“Some of the things I prepared were the Quizizz application and website, marker equipment, and HVS paper. Participants were also required to make a maru batsu board as one of the media to answer questions," he explained. 

"The competition format is divided into three rounds, namely preliminaries, semifinals, and finals. With the increasingly difficult questions per round, I managed to get into the final round. Earning high points and come out second place," added Fauzi. 

Mampu Memahami Huruf Kanji, Mahasiswa Sastra Jepang Udinus Juara di Tingkat Nasional
PRESTASI BARU: Fauzi mahasiswa Sastra Jepang Udinus berfoto usai sesi wawancara dengan Humas Udinus di gedung D.

In response to this recent achievements, the Head of the Bachelor of Japanese Literature Program Dr. Bayu Aryanto, SS., MHum., expressed his pride, because Mohammad Fauzi managed to show the skills that he got during his studies at Udinus. 

Dr. Bayu stated that by competing in various events, students can hone their skills and gain valuable experience. We will always provide all kinds of support for students to continue to excel," he concluded.

On this occasion, the Udinus Japanese Literature Bachelor Program managed to bring home two champions. Besides the Kanji Taikai category, Jihan Hanifah also won 1st place in the Shoudou category. (Udinus PR/Alex. Photo: Udinus Public Relation